Dog Returns to Family After Being Lost for Almost a Year

A 3-year-old dog returns to his family after being lost for almost a year. The owner of the dog, Kate Olson, is delighted for the safe return of her fur baby.

The 3-year-old golden retriever mix, Walter, got separated from Olson for almost a year. The fur baby escaped when he was out for a walk.

The dog got lost

In an interview with Good Morning America, Olson shared that her 3-year-old dog joined her when she visited her boyfriend's family in St. Louis for the holidays.

Olson lives in New Hampshire.

Walter was out for a walk with the parents of Kate's boyfriend when he got scared. Olson said, "He backed out of his collar, and he just took off."

The search for Walter

Kate has been taking care of her fur baby since he was only 8-weeks-old. That is why Olson decided to stay in Missouri for another two weeks only to look for Walter. However, her search was unsuccessful during that time.

Even though it was a difficult decision, Kate decided to go back home to New Hampshire without her fur baby.

The continuous search

Even if Kate has already gone home, she continued her search through social media.

Kate wanted to ask for the help of the people in the community so she posted on social media asking for help. She even created a Facebook group, "Where's Walter??"

Fortunately, one of the members of the Facebook group saw a post about a dog sighting. That member sent it to Kate for her to see. To Kate's surprise, the dog was Walter!

The dog returns to his family

When Kate learned that there were sightings of his 3-year-old dog, she decided to fly back to Missouri.

Luckily, Walter was caught by the Lost Paws Trapping a few hours after Kate landed in Missouri.

On its Facebook Page, Lost Paws Trapping shared, "3 days shy of being on the run for an entire year; living in the woods, avoiding everyone he met and finally on of all days Friday the 13th, Walter has been trapped."

The reunion

When Kate saw her dog almost a year after, she was very emotional. She said, " had to keep my composure just because ... I was in shock."

Kate never thought that she will ever see her dog again, that is why her delight and gratefulness to all the people who helped her seemed immeasurable.

Kate advised all other pet owners who have missing pets to keep trying, just like what she did with her dog, Walter.

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