5 Reliable Hacks For Parents: Easy Child-Proof Tricks

The caricatures that people put up about parenting is not all fiction. Parenting, in fact, can be a truly demanding job that requires a daily full bag of tricks. Luckily, resourcefulness and a few time-proven parenting hacks can make each day a lot smoother and that much more manageable.

CEO and cofounder of UrbanSitter.com Lynn Perkins shared a few great child-proof hacks shared on The Huffington Post. Here are the top ones from the list:

Hack #1: Use a bathrobe to keep outdoor clothes clean. When going through morning chores, accidents and spills are not too far behind especially when rushing to get things done. To avoid any need for a last-minute change of clothes, wear a bathrobe over outdoor clothes.

Hack #2: Remember that toothpaste is a miracle cleaner. Toothpaste is not just great for cleaning teeth, but it can actually be used to clean a few other things. For one, toothpaste is great at erasing accidental permanent marker doodles on wooden furnitures. It's also useful for cleaning any gunk that sticks to the bottom of an iron, polishing diamond rings, clean and shine the chrome in bathrooms and kitchens, clean bathroom sink and remove ink stains from fabric.

Hack #3: Peanut butter can rescue hair. The occasional gum will, inevitably, get stuck to someone's hair. In these times, peanut butter is a worthy savior that removes gum from hair with ease.

Hack #4: Get creative. Perkins recommends making dessert time an easy affair by getting creative. Instant fruit or juice shake, for example, can be made by cutting out the top of frozen juice boxes. Home-made Smores by grilling Nutella and marshmallow sandwiches is also an easy option.

Hack #5: Mix play time, child training and getting chores done. Getting kids to help out with chores is a good method for training and character building. It also becomes more effective and more encouraging for children when done in a game format.

Do you know of any good hacks for parents? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

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