Suicide Among Teens Mostly Caused By Exam Stress, Study Finds

Suicide among young people has become more prevalent in the past years and the causes of the rise in suicide cases are usually attributed to various reasons. Now, a study revealed that pressures because of exams and health problems push the youth to end their lives.

BBC said that a research conducted by the University of Manchester found that one of the major contributory factors to suicide among the young are exams or exam results. Another surprising finding is that the highest factor which led to the youth killing themselves are health concerns like acne and asthma.

Some teens who lost their loved ones also ended up killing themselves because of grief. On the other hand, bullying is also a big factor of teen suicide.

It was explained in The Guardian report that the study looked into the more than 100 suicides in England committed by young people between the age of 10 to 19. The researchers determined signs that family members or close friends saw prior to their suicide.

There were clearly signs that a young person would kill himself or herself days or weeks before the act. The same report said that more than half of the fatalities the study looked into harmed themselves a week before. Some also expressed that they were going to commit suicide.

Telegraph noted that suicide is not only brought by a single cause but by combined stresses they cannot cope up with. Aside from academic pressure and health concerns, there is also the problems of drugs and family misunderstandings.

"There are often family problems such as drug misuse or domestic violence and more recent stresses such as bullying or bereavement," said professor and study author Louis Appleby. [This leads] to a 'final straw' factor such as an exam or relationship breakdown."

Some instances of teen suicide have also been filmed or broadcasted on the internet. People turn to social media to express their thoughts before resorting to suicide.

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