Exercise During Pregnancy Helps to Avoid Cesarean Section

Engaging in regular exercise during pregnancy can improve birth outcomes, a new study says.

To examine the advantages of exercise during pregnancy, lead author of the study Dr. Bradley Price and colleagues included 62 inactive pregnant women.

Between 12 and 14 weeks of gestational age, half of these women joined a moderate aerobic exercise program, lasting 45 to 60 minutes until 36 weeks, The Globe and Mail reported.

At the end of the study, researchers found that remaining active during pregnancy helps women avoid cesarean sections. Only two women in the exercise group had a C-section compared to 10 in the inactive group. Active participants reported improving their muscular strength and improving both mental and physical health faster, as compared to the other group. Similarly, researchers also found exercise preventing development of gestational hypertension.

"Previously sedentary women who began exercising at 12-14 wk improved fitness and delivery outcomes," the authors concluded.

The study is published in the December issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), exercising for 30 minutes can help women:

* In avoiding many pregnancy-related discomforts like backache, bloating, constipation and swelling

* Improves quality of sleep

* Helps to avoid gestational diabetes

* Improves posture, strength and stamina

* Improves mental health

* Boosts energy

According to them, activities like walking, swimming, cycling and aerobics are some of the safe methods of exercise for women during pregnancy. However, they warn women not to involve in activities like gymnastics, water skiing, horseback riding, contact sports (hockey, basketball and soccer) and scuba diving.

Following are some recommendations from the organization to remain safe during pregnancy:

* Any exercises dealing with the back should be fully avoided after completing the first trimester

* Avoid fast exercises

* Consume lots of water to avoid dehydration and overheating

* Wear comfortable clothes

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