'Civilization VI' Cheats, Tips & Hacks: How To Install Mod 'Civ V' Map & Fix Other Bugs And Issues In Sid Meier's Game

Sid Meier's "Civilization VI" has just recently been dropped, and it was in all its glory, display and gameplay-wise. Arguably, 2K Games' "Civ VI" is the best strategy game there is, however, it still cannot be of inevitable bugs and issues. To keep things handier, Parent Herald rounded up cheats, tips and hacks in fixing several "Civilization VI" issues.

First off, many fanatics have been complaining of the "Civ VI" map and the lack thereof, at least during its initial week launch. Now, gamers have found a way by employing a conversion of djvandyke's Greatest Earth Map lifted from "Civilization V." Per Game Spot, you can install the map by downloading it first from Civilization Fanatics Center.

Unzip the file and navigate to Mods Folder which you can find here: Documents>My Games>Sid Meier's Civilization VI. Then, activate the file through the Additional Content section of the actual game.

Others complain about bugs that halt the game from starting due to missing .dll. To amend this, Windows Report advises to uninstall all "Civilization" versions saved in the unit, restart the computer and head to Microsoft's page to download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 for x64 and x86.

"Civilization VI" has also been bugged with audio issues and players can fix this by tuning the sound quality down. Head to Control Panel>Sound and then choose the playback device. From there, go to Properties>Advanced and then lower down the sound quality.

For those who wanted to quit receiving bugging offers, fix it through SteamsteamappscommonSid Meier's Civilization VIBaseAssetsGameplayData/GlobalParameters.xml file. Alter the values by attaching the following. These should do the trick in minimizing AI offers.

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