Midnight quick fixes sound interestingly different in the University of California Davis. Instead of tasty snacks and thirst-quenching drinks, condoms and morning after pills are available on vending machines in case someone needs them handy.
The unusual vending machine called "Wellness to Go" was a brainchild of student Parteek Singh. The senior told KCRA that his initiative of building the machine came from a friend's experience when she needed Plan B pills but could not get one anywhere, Mashable reported.
"Wellness to Go" was designed to help students as such, especially during times when the university's health center is closed. The vending machine operates almost the entire day; it is open until 1 a.m. or until the building closes and resumes at 5 a.m.
Aside from condoms and pills, Singh's vending concept consists of pregnancy tests and feminine hygiene products. The vending machine also provides emergency medications like pain relievers and allergy pills.
Buying contraceptives over-the-counter gives an awkward feeling for almost everyone, if not all, who tries to get one. Singh says the aim of "Wellness to Go" is to change that since it's just a machine and it would not give anyone a stare.
UC Davis now has a vending machine selling Plan B, pregnancy tests, and condoms pic.twitter.com/fP4X7x9QcD
— Tom Miller (@KCRAMiller) April 22, 2017
Initially, Singh's proposal to set up the vending machine was declined twice but now, the university supported Singh's initiative. UC Davis housed one of the four campus vending machines of its kind across the entire nation.
Singh, who was a part of UC Davis Student Council in 2015, also aimed to address the fast-rising number of pregnancy in the university. The senior told Sacramento Bee that these are just basic commodities that will help since college students are particularly sexually active.
A survey finds that majority of college students are sexually active, although they are not really engaged in it as much as everyone thinks. Per New York Magazine's own-conducted survey collaborated with SurveyMonkey, less than half of the students — 41 percent of women and 49 percent of men — believed that they were not having as much sex contrary to popular belief that college is a sex fest.
The survey added that 60 percent of some 700 students are non-virgins. Seventy-three also said they have been in love at least once.