The Parenting Habits Making Moms And Dads Sick: Recognize These Signs

Every parent has his or her own methods and habits to parenting. Some habits, however, prove more harmful to moms and dads as it can result in an unhealthy lifestyle or make them sick. Learn to recognize some of these signs of unhealthy parenting habits below. It's high time this to curb this bad habit before it gets any worse and affects the whole family.

Sleep deprivation is common for new parents and it's well-documented in studies, as per Pew Research Center. As the kids age, however, some parents, especially moms, develop the bad habit of putting off sleep altogether because they have a lot going on. Thus, they feel exhausted, lack focus or likely develop physical illnesses.

"Mothers really underestimate the importance of getting enough sleep," Dr. Jodi A. Mindell said, as per Web MD. "Sleep deprivation has so many serious consequences for their health and their families."

Fixing this bad habit is a matter of time management and learning to prioritize sleep over other activities. Perhaps tap help from other moms, friends and family members to drive the kids or look after the children for a few hours so the tired parent can rest.

Some parents also have a bad habit of eating fast food items. Rather than cooking and preparing meals at home, at least 70 percent of parents polled in a February study turn to fast food because it's accessible and easy to have on the table, as per USA Today.

Children acquire this bad habit from their parents, which in turn affects the family's overall health. Studies show a frequent diet of fast food triggers obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease.

There's no other way to control this bad habit but to make better food choices as parents. Moms and dads need to value their health and set a good example for their kids.

Parents who obsess about keeping a pristine and clean house trigger bad and obsessive compulsive habits that could actually hurt the body's immunities in the long run. Some bacteria are actually good for growing kids, as per a previous Parent Herald report.

Besides, over-sanitizing using chemical products also have long-term effects. Once in a while, parents, it's alright to let the mess remain. Instead of doing a thorough house cleaning daily, perhaps use that time to catch up on sleep!

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