If you feel no shame in birthing your kid unnaturally, using disposable diapers or mixing your child's diet with infant formula, then you must be a "silky" mom. It's a not-so-new parenting jargon moms may encounter and here is what it meant to be a silky mom.
In layman's term, silky moms are the modern moms. The jargon's origin dates back as early as 2010, as Urban Dictionary defines it the same.
Not even gonna lie, this happens after every Halloween. #TheSilkyMom pic.twitter.com/F8H1Z1OpOd
— The Silky Mom (@TheSilkyMom) January 10, 2017
These moms are proud to abide from the current norm, like approving their kids to do bottle-feeding or crib sleeping. Romper reports that silky moms are also the ones who let their kids undergoing circumcision, vaccination and other procedures standardized by authorities.
Silky mothers are also unapologetic in giving rice cereals, chocolates or getting a McDonald's kiddie meal for their little bunches of joy every once in a while. As for sleeping methods, cry-it-out is silky moms' unanimous favorite.
In short, silky mothers are those who frequently rely on modern products and services for convenience. In contrast to these moms are the crunchy mothers. The term crunchy is often associated with hippies who like to munch on granola bars, hence the term.
Many women today are shamed for breastfeeding in public, or even kicked out of public places for feeding their children. I have been made to feel the need to cover up and somewhat shy to feed my baby in public places but strangely feel nothing for the topless editorials I've done in the name of art..? The world has been desensitized to the sexualization of the breast and to violence on tv...why should it be different when it comes to breastfeeding? -Breastfeeding is not sexual it's natural- Those who feel it is wrong to feed your child in public need to get educated on the benefits breastfeeding has on mother and child and intern on society as a whole. #mothernature A post shared by Candice Swanepoel (@angelcandices) on Dec 18, 2016 at 4:02pm PST
Crunchy mothers are the ones promoting all things natural. Breastfeeding, co-sleeping, babywearing, baby-led weaning, cloth diapering, so on and so forth. In relation to birth, crunchy moms are also those who prefer to do gentle birthing, water birth, lotus birth and even placentophagy, the act of consuming one's placenta, whether encapsulated, raw or cooked.
Crunchy moms go against what is stereotypical, according to Kidspot. Often, their tenet is the more the natural, the better, even for instances that require medical intervention.
Moms who do selective or non-vaccination? They are crunchy moms. Moms who do not rely on pharmaceutical products because they prefer natural medicine? Definitely crunchy moms.
Plus, crunchy moms are also the ones who voluntarily opt their kids out of formal school because they prefer homeschooling. Crunchy moms are also avid followers of attachment parenting.
It does not end there. If a mom is somewhere in the middle, then that means she's a scrunchy mom. By essence, scrunchy moms are just those who combine silky parenting and crunchy parenting techniques, hence the portmanteau.
Crunchy moms, silky moms and scrunchy moms may have their differences among each other but it does not mean there is someone superior among them. To each her own, so they say.
Every choice a mom makes is what's best for the family. After all and espite the differences, crunchy, silky and scrunchy are all just labels, and at the end of the day, they are all moms.
What kind of mom are you? Let us know by commenting below!