A Must Guide to First Time Parents about Parenting and Child-Care

The journey of a mother from the conception to the delivery, the focus remains completely on the delivery. But what happens after a child is born? What do you do after you go home with your baby? How do you take care of the tiny sweetheart? These questions can make new parents nervous and panicky.

Here are a few tips that will prove helpful for the first time parents.

Once a child is born so is a mother - A mother is born with the birth of a child. Everything seems strange and unknown the first time around. Here is all the information that you need to know after becoming a parent for the first time.

1) Postpartum Depression

Baby Blues is one of the most common fluctuations that every woman faces after delivery because of the hormonal changes in a woman's body. This hormonal change can trigger a biological alteration or an imbalance of brain chemicals, or both. This condition usually develops 4-6 weeks after giving birth to the baby, but it sometimes takes several months to appear. Common symptoms of PPD include low energy, anxiety, irritability, lack of appetite, crying a lot, panic attacks, fatigue etc.

The main problem with moms suffering from PPD is they don't let others know about it. Disclosing their condition makes them feel as if they aren't a good mother or they feel guilty of wanting to not love the child. They may also think of committing suicide or self-hampering. One must seek help before it advances to this stage. PPD, as a disease, is more common than getting diabetes in a woman, yet it's a condition that's not much talked about.A psychologist is the best person to visit, but in some cases, your gynecologist might be of help too. They provide useful and necessary guidance but also offer support groups and run tests.

2) Fed is the best

The dilemma of a new mother to breastfeed or formula feed is one of the toughest ones. The mothers who are lactating or latching takes a while to match up the situation. But for those who aren't lactating, should seek a lactation consultant. A lot of mothers are shamed and are full of guilt for feeding their child formula. A mother's breast milk is the best form of unadulterated nutrition that can be passed on to the child. It contains several nutrients, vitamins and antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria. But, there are few mothers who can't lactate and are left with no other choice but to feed their child with formula. This is perfectly okay considering the situation. You should always remember, a well fed-child is a happy child. It is always advisable to breastfeed, but if one cannot do due to the situation, there is no shame in it.

3) Breast Pumps

Nobody prepares you for the tiredness and sleepless nights that follow you once you go home with your newborn baby. A baby wakes you up every two hours to be fed, and it can be exhausting. One way to reduce some of the tiredness would be to pump milk and keep in a sterilized bottle and let a co-parent help feed the child. Pumping is a savior to most working moms that don't want to feed them formula and can't be around to breastfeed every time. It is considered as a safe and the best method.

4) Me time

We often hear people asking about how the baby is doing? But what most of them forget to ask is how the parent is doing. It might be overwhelming for a first-time parent to feel all the emotions, adjust to the new body, deal with the hormonal imbalance and the sleepless nights adding more to the exertion and anxiety. Every FTM and a new parent must allot some minutes to themselves of Me time every day where he or she can do what they want to without any worry. You can read a book, hang out, do yoga or exercise etc. Giving some time to yourself gives back enough positive energy to become a caregiver to the newborn.

Some tips for child care benefits for first-time parents:


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is an inexplicable death caused usually in the sleep of babies of not more than one year old. It is also known as crib or cot death as infants often die in their crib. The most important way to avoid this is by placing the baby on its back while putting him/her in sleep. Always put the baby on a soft surface and don't cover the baby too much.

2) Colic

Colic is a very common reason for a child below 6 months to feel restless and crying rapidly, especially in the evenings. The child becomes extremely fizzy and crying all the time due to colic. A colicky baby should be placed in upright or in a swinging position in your arms. This way, the baby feels much better. To avoid such, you should burp your baby and keep them upright for ten minutes after every feed.

3) Diaper Rashes

As a parent, you should always choose a Zinc Oxide based rash cream for a newborn or better. It's affordable, sustainable and definitely more comfortable.

4) Swaddle

Swaddling is the go-to method to make a child feel comfortable while sleeping. It keeps them safe, warm and comfortable, often a feeling that they are still in the womb.

5) Immunizations

The vaccine chart must be set with a reminder on the phone to not miss any date. Vaccines are required and best if not missed. As a new parent, you must follow the chart and ensure every vaccine to the baby.

6) Introducing solid food

A baby must be introduced to solid food only after these have been ascertained:

a) The child can sit upright

b) The child has completed six months.

Never feed a child in a lying position as it'll cause a choking hazard. Start with purees and mashed food and slowly progress to finger foods.

7) Sleep training

Establish a routine before bedtime. For example, you can routine your baby with a warm bath, massage and being put in a quiet room to start the preparations for bedtime. There are several online resources that can help new parents and the child in taking the right steps towards a new life and guide new parents throughout. A lot of parents also resort to Ferber's method which is also an effective method that strictly focuses on letting the baby cry it out.

8) Early Learning and Childcare

The first 5 years of childhood are crucial for the learning, development and future as adults of your little ones. Interact with your children as often as you can. Teach them age-appropriate skills like potty training, basic organization skills like keeping toys and clothes in their proper places, basic identification of colors, textures and shapes and many other learning activities.

For the early childhood or preschool learning of your kids outside your home, Busy Bees Australia shares that you should entrust your kids to early learning and childcare facilities that offer children uninterrupted time for play, plenty of freedom, a child-friendly and relaxed environment, develop cooperative relationships, and focused attention from teachers and childcare specialists. Integrating learning and play time builds readiness for school, independence and important social skills in your children.

Babies need constant care, guidance and supervision. It helps them to form a secure attachment to their caregivers. Also, FTP should prepare themselves for what has to be done once they get the infant home. It's always better to plan a routine once you know what needs to be done. Happy parenting!

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