How to Treat Your Wife

How to treat your wife

All of us want to have a happy marriage through good times and challenging times. Few expect that life after the wedding will be as in the movies, but many forget that a marriage needs work from both parties throughout the years. As a husband wanting to be certain their wife is happy, here are some simple pointers to remember:

Show your appreciation

Show your wife each day how grateful you are that she is in your life. If she has had a tough day, take on one of her usual chores without being asked. When she finds out that the laundry has been folded and put away, that lunch has already been prepared or windows washed, she will feel appreciated and loved. Also, make sure to have a physical connection each day. A 10-second kiss on the lips when leaving for work, a brush of her arm as you pass in the hallway shows you care.

Surprise her with a gift

There are times when you should make an extra effort with a gift to your wife. Whether you are celebrating your anniversary over the winter months or your first Valentine's Day Canada, give a gift that warms her heart and your home. A jewellery gift set of pendant and earrings in her favourite colour shows her she is precious to you. If she does not wear much jewellery, an ornament in the shape of a heart, rose or other symbolism of romance will make it clear that you love her.

Say "I love you" with honest conviction

Tell your wife you love her. Sometimes, this simple declaration is not said due to the clamour of work and life responsibilities. Do not say it out of habit every day but say it with honest feeling behind it. She will know deep down that you love her but hearing it said with conviction will make her feel it too, particularly when it is said with affection as in the days when you were first getting to know each other, rather than in a request for a sexual favour.

Allow her space

Allow her to be who she was born to be. Encourage her interests in things that you do not share. If she has a great singing voice, let her join a choir whilst you mind the children. Let her learn to play the piano, take an art class or learn another language if this is something she wants to do. She may want to go out with the girls for coffee regularly and having the freedom to recharge like this will make her happier.

Her opinion matters

If you control the TV schedule via the remote control or always decide what is for dinner, let her have a choice instead. Let her choose the evening's television viewing or entertainment when the two of you are together. You don't have to love her choices as much as she does, but to respect her choices is one way of showing your love for her.

Write her love notes

In the age of technology, the art of writing any letter by hand is being reduced. This makes a love note or love letter all the more special. Making the effort to write how she makes you feel, that you love the way she laughs, how she bites her tongue when she concentrates, has dimples when she smiles that you think are the cutest thing ever. Even if your handwriting is scrawly, love notes are cherished and whilst she may not admit it, she will keep them safe.

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