Your child's toddler stage can be fun and exciting because this is where they can develop more of what they are and their skills. However, toddlers are said to be the toughest kids to handle, because this is where they get all the tantrums in almost everything they do and wherever they are. If your kid is experiencing a tantrum, you also need to remind yourself that it is a normal thing for toddlers and you need to be a little more patient with them.
For toddlers, meltdowns and tantrums are normal because it is a part of their growth stage and their childhood. A toddler can get a tantrum whenever they do not get what they want or whenever they feel annoyed by a certain situation or thing. Kids aging from 1 to 4-years old may have a hard time coping up with their developing skills, that's why they end up having tantrums. For kids that are aged from 1 to 2 years old, the only way that they communicate if they want a diaper change or if they're hungry is through crying since they do not have the language and communicating skills yet. Kids at this age may feel frustrated especially when they don't get the response that they want from you.
As for toddlers, it is more of a handful of a job. Now that they know how to think and at this age they already know what they want, they are keen on those types of stuff. If they don't get exactly what they want, most probably expect a tantrum to happen.
If you happen to have a toddler at home and you don't know how to handle a toddler's tantrum, here are seven effective tips that you can consider when dealing with them.
7 Tips in Dealing with Your Toddler's Tantrum
Don't attempt to calm them down. When they start having tantrums, it is best that you just let them be and ignore them. Through this action, your toddler will think that he is showing an undesirable behavior. The best way to do this is to try to walk out of the situation and let them cry for a few minutes. Timeouts should be done for uncontrollable behavior only, because if you use it that often it will not be effective the next time around.
Prevent tantrums. Always be there for your toddler in every way. The toddler stage is the most crucial part of child development and it requires more of your attention than you can ever imagine. You can always make a playtime schedule with your toddler and build a better foundation for your relationship.
Try to be softer. If your toddler is screaming and starts becoming louder, always pull them out of the situation and take her to a place where you guys can talk. Give the toddler his favorite food or toy to calm them down.
Be understanding. We all know tantrums can also make parents frustrated and tired, but as the older and mature person, you need to be more understanding at all times. Toddlers are still figuring out how to handle their emotions, so you need to be more soft towards them.
Give them space. Personal space is always important for them when they have tantrums. Kids need to let it out sometimes and it's best for you to leave them be.
Understand that tantrums are normal. You can do research about toddler's tantrums and understand further why it happens. This way, you will be aware of how to handle them better.
Create a diversion. When kids throw tantrums, you can always give them a diversion to ease their frustration and anger. You can give them a treat or tell them a story, or even give them their favorite toy to play with.