A lot of parents would disagree with swaddling a baby. Some of the reasons might include: the baby fights the swaddle; they still pop out so why to bother; you don't want to cause the baby to become dependent on the swaddling; babies cry when they are swaddled; it's not good for the babies in general; a baby's arm should be free and should be exercised; babies' arms should be practiced in getting her hands in their mouth to self-soothe, and more.
Now all of these might be believed by many parents, but these are also false statements. Swaddling your newborn baby is a must, and it actually makes them happy. Babies that are 3 months old should be swaddled, but you can still swaddle your babies that are 6 to 9 months old already. You can swaddle your baby as long as you want, and it really depends on you and your baby.
For you to know more reasons why you should swaddle your baby, here are some good finds that might prompt you to swaddle your newborn right away.
It reduces SIDS
Research has proven that swaddling babies can reduce the rate of SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome. In fact, most of the positive results that reduce SIDS came from, and is because of, swaddling. Swaddling makes it hard for newborn babies to cover their heads or face with their beddings, and they also reduce the possibility of them flipping over to their stomach. Flipping to their stomach is known to be the highest cause of SIDS in newborn babies.
It is also important for parents to remember that they should never put their babies to sleep on their stomachs, swaddled or not. However, if they are swaddled and they are sleeping on their stomachs, this still creates a higher risk of SIDS than sleeping on their stomachs otherwise.
It soothes babies
Swaddling makes babies fall asleep faster, and this is a great way to soothe them when they're crying. The process of swaddling may be frustrating for babies at the beginning that causes them to whine and cry. This is one reason why most parents do not swaddle their baby, because of their cries and tantrums. However, what parents do not know is when babies get used to it, they create a foundation of soothing techniques for themselves. You can swaddle your baby and give them a pacifier before you snuggle them to sleep.
It makes babies cry less
As mentioned, parents think that swaddling only causes more frustration and stress on both them and the baby because of the crying, but what they don't know is swaddling actually reduces babies' stress. Sure, they will cry at first, but when they get the hang of it and when they are already soothed down, they will fall asleep right away. In fact, swaddling alone results in a 28 percent reduction in crying.
Helps babies sleep better
Swaddling is known to keep newborn babies sleep better and longer compared to them just merely sleeping. Swaddling avoids newborn babies from startling themselves and waking up to random body movements. It stimulates continuous sleep and can really give them the rest they need for the day.
As always it is your choice whether you will swaddle your baby, but these tips will hopefully help you decide.