A miscarriage might be worst thing that any woman could ever experience. It is very heartbreaking. However, a lot of women out there are unaware of why and how miscarriages occur. If you're one of those women that is not knowledgeable about this complication, then this article will help you understand it.
Women tend to not talk about miscarriages because it is not something that is good to talk about as well. Miscarriages cause loss to a family, moreover, to the pregnant mom. Miscarriages are very frightening, and a lot of women out there cannot determine if they are in the process of losing their baby. Some women tend to freak out, especially when they experience spotting and cramping at the same time. But the question here is, how would you know if you are having a miscarriage? Read down below for answers and things that you should know about miscarriages.
Before we go into the symptoms of a miscarriage, let's first know what is a miscarriage, and what some of the causes may be.
A miscarriage is defined as a sudden or unexpected loss of pregnancy within the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy cycle. This is the most common type of pregnancy loss. In statistical data made by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 15 to 20 percent of pregnancy losses lead to miscarriages. Over 80 percent of miscarriages occur in the first trimester.
A lot of women would think that miscarriages are caused by their improper behavior, but according to doctors and experts, miscarriages are caused by a genetic abnormality of the developing embryo. Women who experience miscarriages in their life tend to blame themselves for the loss, but truth is, it is mostly caused by hormonal imbalance, uterine problems, and chronic illnesses. Factors that would contribute to this are drug use, excessive drinking, smoking, and advanced maternal age.
The bright side of all of these is women who experience miscarriages usually get successful pregnancies in the future. 85% of women that have experienced a miscarriage tend to have a healthier and more successful pregnancy the second time around.
Symptoms of Early Miscarriage
If you're not aware about the signs of early miscarriages, here are some things that you need to know:
Bleeding. This is the most common sign of miscarriage, but also normal and healthy pregnancies experience this as well. If you start bleeding, it is always best to rush to your doctor and have yourself checked. A lot of bleeding happens during pregnancy, but it's best to be sure that you are bleeding in a normal way.
Cramps. One of the signs of miscarriage is when you feel excessive cramps and spotting. Miscarriage cramps happen when uterine contractions let out the contents of the uterus.
Abdominal pain. When you're experiencing miscarriage, you get to have pains happening in the abdomen area, the pelvic area, or your lower back. It may be hard to determine if the pain is normal for pregnancies because your abdomen will even hurt during normal pregnancies due to the continuous expansion of the uterus.