Sleepovers - Things Every Parents Needs To Know


As a parent, keeping your children safe is likely one of the things you think about the most. The fear of leaving them at school on their first day brings with it a worry only a parent can know. But trusting your kids to someone's care overnight is a different battle altogether.

Letting your children stay over at someone else's house can be a terrifying time, especially if it's the first sleepover. Trusting the care of your children to friends and family can be difficult for some parents.

Here are a few tips to make the sleepover ordeal a bit easier.

Is Your Child Ready?

It may sound like a silly question, but it is surprising how many children beg their parents to go to a friend's house for a sleepover when they aren't ready. There is no set age where a child is naturally prepared to attend a night out at someone else's house.

Children are different in every way. Children who insist that you lie down with them while they fall asleep or wake easily during the night may not be ready to take on a sleepover just yet. It is a good idea to ensure that your child has excellent, healthy sleeping skills before you take the plunge.

A good idea to test the waters is to let your child stay out a little later than usual. Arrange to let them have dinner at a friend's house after a playdate. Watch to see how they adjust to being fetched a little later.

Know The Other Parents

Take time getting to know your child's friends' parents. It will make attending birthday parties more comfortable, not to mention it will give you peace of mind when your child asks to go over for a playdate.

When you go and fetch your kid after an arranged afternoon, go in for a coffee if it's on offer. Parents have an in-built intuitive side. You will get a feeling if something is amiss, or if the circumstances at home are unsafe.

The same applies when you are hosting your child's friend for a sleepover. Make a telephone call to the parents and make sure you have all the necessary information. Check if their child has any allergies or special dietary requirements.

Set Out The Ground Rules

Make sure your child is well aware of the rules when it comes to sleepovers. Peer pressure is a powerful reality, and accidents can happen in the blink of an eye.

If your child is not a good swimmer and you know the home has a pool, make sure that you inform the parents your child cannot swim without an adult in the pool. Safety is and should always be the number one priority when it comes to taking care of children.

What To Do If An Accident Occurs

Children are naughty; this is a known fact. While not all children may push the boundaries, being away from home and out of mom or dad's watchful eye can be tempting.

If your child has gone with friends for a sleepover, they may decide to visit the local skating rink. The safety of your child is paramount and should never be compromised. An accident at the skating rink can leave your child with physical injuries. So too can an unforeseen incident, such as being bitten by a neighbor's dog, occur.

Vancouver ICBC lawyers are available to assist you. Professional, knowledgeable firms specialize in helping you to make sure that all the correct processes are followed in the aftermath of an accident.

It can be a stressful time; learning your child has been hurt in an accident. Whether it is due to negligence or a fall caused by a displaced object, you need someone to help you work through the legal processes.

Final Thoughts

Too often, parents dismiss any claims against a third party and are not correctly compensated for damages or injuries suffered. This is a result of individuals not knowing the intricate details of the legal process and what benefits may be available to assist in the recovery process for their child.

Being a parent is hard work enough, without having to take on any legal fights. Let the experts help you by doing what they know best.

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