Study Says It's The Cuddling, More Than the Sex, That Makes You Happy

Cuddling couple

A lot of people might think that having a constant and happy sex life is what keeps a relationship sturdy and going. However, studies show that it's not entirely the sex that makes couples happier. It's more of the affection that we get from our partners, and what better way to show our affection than post-sex cuddling?

Women, in general, could say that post-coital cuddling makes them happier than than the actual sex. This is according to a new compilation of scientific studies that are published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Also, there has been a lot of studies conducted in the past that have shown the correlation between increased well-being and sex. However, study co-author Anik Debrot says that having sex promotes a person's affection experience. She further explains that sex has not only been beneficial because of its "physiological or hedonic effects" but it also encourages a stronger and more positive connection between you and your partner.

This new research comes in four studies. The first two studies were conducted by researchers and evaluated the connection between sex and happiness. They conducted and gave out surveys to hundreds of men and women who are couples and are in romantic relationships. Both genders confirmed that having more and frequent sex can lead to a more positive life and relationship. It also stabilizes and makes the couple more at ease and the relationship is more trusting. Sex, according to the study, also leads to increased life satisfaction. However, they also revealed that this type of satisfaction is dependent on certain components of affection, just like touching, cuddling, kissing, and hugging.

For the other two parts of the research, the third and fourth part, the researchers asked another set of 100 men and women respondents who are in a romantic relationship to record how many times they have sex in 10 days if affection was shown first before the intercourse, and how they were feeling within that 10-day period. The results showed that the more sex a couple has in 10 days, the higher their relationship satisfaction is six months after.

According to a co-researcher for this study Amy Muise, the results of the conducted study suggest that it is important to maintain an intimate and affectionate connection between you and your partner because this is a big factor that can contribute to your whole relationship. However, having sex does not have to be done everyday. As long as you are maintaining that intimate connection between you and your partner, your relationship will surely go steady.

Why Affection is a Need

As social species that have unique senses compared with other species, humans require a certain degree of contact with other human beings. Thus, we need affection. Although there are people who consider themselves as "loners", saying that they don't have the ability to maintain relationships with others, there is still a sense of emptiness within those individuals who refrain from having relationships with others. Affection is more than a need than a want and most people do not realize that. One thing people should know is that the need for affection varies in geographical and cultural boundaries, and each country has different and special systems of expressing their emotions. Affection is not just any emotion, it is more than that, and it is a basic requirement for healthy relationships.

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