The last few weeks of pregnancy can be very critical for most women. This is also the time where the baby gets in position for labor. Your baby's position matters during labor so you must make sure to have your checkup with your doctor. There are instances during the last few weeks of your pregnancy, your baby is already positioned with their head near the cervix in a vertex angle. However, only 4% of babies assume the breech position, which is the position where their bottom or feet are near the cervix instead of their head.
Breech position can lead to several problems and complications before or during labor. This is because the baby's feet are at the cervix, which makes it very critical for them to get out of the womb. Further complications can also happen, such as the baby's arms, body or legs might slide out of the cervix before the vagina is fully dilated. It is also possible that the baby's head would get stuck inside the mother's birth canal and would even complicate the delivery more or would put the baby's life at stake that could lead to death.
Doctors and medical experts can already see and confirm if the infant is in this position through ultrasounds and physical touch. This can usually be seen around the 36th week of pregnancy when the baby has already reached its birthing position. Babies also tend to move a lot when they are in the womb by this time of the pregnancy, so they might end up in the right position for delivery or the breech position. There are only two possible reasons for a breech baby, either the pregnant woman is giving birth to twins or she has too much little amniotic fluid which is a uterine abnormality from previous premature delivery, or if your placenta is blocking your cervix.
How to Fix A Baby in Breech Position
There are procedures and methods that pregnant women can do when they know their baby is in breech position before labor. You can encourage your baby in your womb to move properly to birthing position by following these simple methods. Always remember that the right position for childbirth is when the baby is facing their head near the birthing canal.
Make a version
During the 37th week of your pregnancy, you need to have your checkup with your doctor and see if you and your baby are ready for labor. During this time, if your baby is in breech position, your doctor will recommend an external cephalic version. This is where your doctor will apply pressure to your abdomen with her hands and try to turn your baby in the opposite and right position. Doctors would first relax the uterus through medication. After that, they will lift the baby's body with one hand and get the opposite hand on the baby's head. This option is one of the most offered and suggested positions if a baby is in a breech position.
Move around
It is important for pregnant women who are almost near their due date too do some walking exercises. A walk down the neighborhood or simply doing stretching every morning will help loosen the ligaments and connective tissues that support your uterus and pelvis. This will also make more space for the baby to rotate their body, making its head face the birth canal. Squats may also help the baby to descend properly, but make sure you do the proper way to do squats for pregnant women.
Breech tilts
Place a cushion on the floor and lie with your hips elevated for about 1 ½ foot above your head. This is recommended to be done for 10 to 15 minutes and at least three times a day. If you do this exercise it is best to do it while your baby is active.