It is natural for children ages 6 to 7 years old to lose their teeth. However, there are kids who lose their first tooth not later than 2 years. At this age, they also might have heard about the infamous Tooth Fairy. While children are fascinated with stories about the Tooth Fairy, losing their first tooth should be considered as one of the best days of their lives when they're growing up, and you, as a parent, should be proud of it.
For an average child, their first baby tooth pops out when they reach 6 months. They get their next three or four teeth in the next three to four months. Their teeth will continuously pop-out and will reach a full molar at age 2 or 3 years old. By that time, your child should have all 20 baby teeth.
Some parents worry about their child who teeth late. However, when your baby is teething late, you don't have to worry about it too much. When they teeth late, it also means they will lose their teeth late. If your child starts teething early, they will lose their teeth early as well.
Children Getting Their Permanent Teeth
Babies, when they start teething, they tend to grow teeth in the upper part and then grow the others in the bottom part. However, when they grow teeth, it happens in the opposite way. Children will lose their first tooth on the bottom two middle teeth first. These teeth are called the mandibular central incisors.
The next teeth to fall out are the top two middle teeth, then the canines, the first molars, and second molars. When your child reaches their 11th or 13th year, they will now have a complete set of permanent teeth and all their baby teeth have fallen out.
When your baby starts losing baby teeth, a secondary or what we often call as permanent teeth begin to grow. The whole teeth growing will not stop until your child reaches 17 to 22 years old. At this age, they still grow their third molars or wisdom teeth.
The Tooth Fairy
As mentioned in the beginning of this article, children have grown fond of different storytime and children's stories and most of it they believe in. One of these stories, or for most parents they consider it as a myth for children, is the Tooth Fairy.
If your children start losing teeth and you find them getting excited to get a treat from the Tooth Fairy, don't disturb their excitement. Let them do the traditional way of offering their fallen tooth to the Tooth Fairy by putting it under their pillows before they sleep at night.
When they've fallen asleep, you can get their fallen baby teeth and leave a dollar or a sweet treat for them. Doing this can also make you a cool, 100% supportive parent.
How to Take Care of Your Teething Baby
When your baby is still teething, you may do the following to keep it less stressful for your baby:
Rub their gums gently. You may opt to use a wet cloth or gauze in rubbing your baby's gums.
Keep it cool, but not cold. Using a cold spoon or a chilled teething ring can help soothe your baby's gums.
Try medical remedies. If your baby is always in pain because of the teething they are experiencing, you may ask a doctor what pain relievers can you baby safely take for their teething.