More and more children are being raised by single parents, and although the structure is not the "traditional" family that we are all used to seeing, a small family with a single mother or father still works. Children who are raised by single parents can still have the same upbringing as those children who have two parents.
During the 1950s to the 1980s, single parents are almost never heard of. Single mothers and fathers are encouraged to marry again because the public is taught that it is the only way that a family can be complete. But during the 1990s, there was a sudden shift in the mindset of society, and today there are around 13 million single parents in America alone.
Raising a child as a single parent
Being a single parent can be tough, because you will be doing all the work of raising a child that is usually done by two people. A child's development is not always physical, they also develop mentally and emotionally, and single parents need to make sure that they can cater to each development.
Another thing that can be a challenge is balancing your work life and your home life. You need to make sure that one won't affect the other, and it can be tricky, especially work can sometimes be brought at home.
Managing finances can also be difficult especially for single parents who are minimum wage earners. All the expenses will be shouldered by you, which is why most single parents have two to three jobs or they manage their own business.
Sure, being a single parent can be difficult but it can be done. If you find it difficult to balance your work and home life, it is best to assess your current schedule. Do you take on too many projects? If you do, then you need to cut some loose. If you are a volunteer, it is best to give it up for now so you can spend more time at home. Do you usually bring work at home? Then it is time to set some boundaries.
If you are having difficulties with your finances, you need to budget your money wisely. If your child is old enough to understand the situation, you can explain to him or her that you are the only one who is working and you need to make adjustments for the meantime. If you have extra time in your hands, you can find other ways to make some money, you can sell products, get some freelancing jobs and sign up for some gigs.
Ask for help
There will be times wherein the job is too much to handle, so do not be afraid to ask for help. You can turn to your family members and closest friends for support. If you need to go to work and you do not want to spend money on a babysitter, you can ask your parents, siblings or close friends to look after your child for a while.
Also, do not forget to have some "me" time in order to refuel. Your child will see your emotions, and children has the tendency of thinking that certain situations are their fault. For you to be an effective single parent, you need to take an opportunity to relax and unwind.
ALSO READ: Single Parenting Tips: 3 Biggest Mistakes That Single Parents Should Avoid