What It Takes to Be a Dad

What It Takes to Be a Dad

You can become a father by making a baby. However, creating life doesn't automatically make you a dad. Listed below are a few things that a person who's earned the title "Dad" does every day to promote a healthy life to their offspring.


One of the biggest contributing factors that separate a dad from a father is their involvement in their child's life. You may be a good provider, but if you don't take part in all aspects of your kid's life, you are simply the father. Caring for them is not something you should put squarely on the shoulders of your spouse. Doing things together, such as their homework and school trips is all part of parenting. It creates a strong and unbreakable bond that will remain forever.

Lead by Example

A dad wants what is best for his children and leads by example. He often leaves his own comfort zone to demonstrate what's right and what's wrong. He works hard to be a good provider, refuses to give up, and tries always to control his emotions. Displaying anger, not helping with the housework, and telling lies are things that children will pick up on and, as such, retain the notion that this is what a father does. While no person is perfect, refraining from these types of behaviors will make you a better dad.


One of the best things about being a dad is having someone to bond with. You get to see this little being grow to be a strong, assertive, and independent person. Spending quality time doing things like tossing a ball outdoors, going to dance recitals, and the family barbecues create long-lasting memories. Later on, your child will refer to these special times fondly. Saying things like "remember when you searched for weeks for the best pellet grills so that you could have the best family barbecue?" and then everybody sharing a laugh.

When Times Get Tough

A dad is there even when times are tough. He doesn't up and leave because there's a problem. He finds a solution. If a child is having trouble in school, a dad offers extra help and remains involved throughout the years. Teen years can be hard on a dad, especially when his words don't seem to mean anything. But, again, a dad takes a step back and tries another approach to get through to his child. As a result, they have a relationship long after the child leaves home to attend college.

Encourages Their Dreams

A dad listens to their children and pays close attention to their dreams. Unlike a father, who puts limits on what they can achieve, a dad encourages them to reach for the stars, leaving the door open to endless possibilities for their future and improving their self-esteem. Whether the child wants to become an astronaut or save the planet, they know they have the support of their dad.

Unconditional Love

While fathers may love their children, they often fail to display this emotion. Whereas a dad is loving on every level; A dad has no problem with hugs and kisses, cuddles, and even occasional crying. It shows children that dads are human too and that they can connect emotionally. A dad feels the pain of their children's misfortunes and is always there to comfort them.

Makes a Child Stronger

A dad wants his children to become strong, productive, and caring adults. He demonstrates patience, tolerance, and lets them know that giving up is the easy way out. It's fine to fail so long as you learn from it and try again. He also explains the importance of being competitive and independent.

Dads are there for the good times and the bad. They want to play an important role in their child's life.

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