Children tend to be a little shy when they are younger, except if they are born with blasting confidence. But to most children, they tend to lack self-confidence when they're still young, and as parents, it is your responsibility to boost their self-esteem and help them work their way through it.
Raising children with booming self-confidence will not only make them survive in the outside world, but it is also a parent's goal in life to build confidence in their children. This will mold them into being self-aware and build a sense of self as they grow up. Having positive self-esteem and confidence in one's self is healthy for your children's health and their psychological well-being.
For younger children, parents might find it hard to build confidence in them. But, the truth is, parents can make tons of ways to build their children's self-confidence even through play or just spending time with them at home. Encouraging your children to try new stuff and supporting them to things that they love to do can make them realize that they can be better at doing those things. When they doubt themselves, it is your responsibility as a parent to pick them up from their feet and tell them to try again.
For you to help develop your child's self-confidence, here are some tips that you can take and follow:
Contribute confidence to their self-confidence pool
Encouraging your children with inspiring words about self-confidence can help them realize things, but it's best if you pair it up with some actions. Show your love and support to your children in everything that they do. Always be involved in their lives. Telling them how much they make you proud and how great they are doing at stuff that they love will boost their self-confidence and self-esteem and will keep doing it every time.
Your praises contribute a lot in boosting their self-confidence, however, do not do it that often and if you know they are not doing well, do not give them positive feedbacks. You may encourage them and at the same time pinpoint what they did wrong and help them build their way up.
Not only that your praises will boost their self-confidence, but it will also let them appreciate themselves and their efforts. They will be able to explore new opportunities and a stronger belief in themselves and their abilities.
Make time for them to play.
Children, young as they are, still love to play. And what better playmates could they ever have but their parents, right? Although it's going to be hard for busy parents to make time for their children, make sure to at least spend the weekend with them. When you're always present around your children, they will develop a stronger sense of self and will feel valued and supported. With this, they will also be more willing to face any challenges thrown at them.
Avoid praising them too much.
It's mentioned above that praising your children for a job well done will surely boost their self-confidence. However, it is important that you should be cautious about how often you say it. Approval from parents may seem very overwhelming for children and they use it as a measure to their worth in their parents' eyes. This is why parents need to be real in telling praises. Positive feedbacks allow children to feel challenged but avoid giving them unjustified praise. When they do something below their goal, simply and calmly tell them that it's okay and they can do better next time.