Having a baby is a blessing. Imagine having two all at the same time! Twins are one of the most adorable and amazing things to have, but caring for two babies all at once can be a handful, especially to new parents. Caring for a newborn takes a lot of time, effort, and sacrifice. If you have twins, you need to double up everything and make sure you get to treat and give them attention equally.
Caring for newborn twins will definitely test the parent's patience. Your patience and sanity will be at stake especially during the long nights when your twins are awake, but it is not impossible for you to handle them. Knowing the right tips and tricks on how to handle twins will surely do the job. And for that, here are some things to keep in mind in caring for twin babies that parents can do:
Always have them on the same schedule. To most parents of twins, they tend to divide the schedule and let the twins take turns on feeding, napping, and changing. However, baby experts and doctors would disagree to do so. It is essential for twin babies to be fed, changed, and nap at the same time. If you spilt their schedule into two, it would be time-consuming for the parents since they have to constantly feed them. Example, when baby A is ready to eat, while baby B is just about to fall asleep, you don't get to have a time-out in feeding each baby vice versa, and it could make you tired.
Never separate the twins. Some twin parents would think that having twin babies sleep in different rooms is efficient to avoid the other one waking up their twin through their crying. But experts say otherwise. It is important for twins to get used to each other's crying for them to sleep through it. Let them sleep in their own silence in the same room.
Meet and connect with other twin parents. For you to relate and share some of your experiences with twins or get advice on how to be more effective parents to twins, you can always connect to twin parents. You may look it up on a parenting website and set twin play dates or have a parent's night out or dinner over to each other's houses. Connecting with people who has the same experience as you can be helpful in terms of your well-being as a parent.
Gender-neutral clothing is the best way. Parents who have girl-boy twins tend to buy baby essentials and clothes that are for each other's genders. But, according to experts, it is wiser to buy gender-neutral clothes for girl-boy twins and will even let you save money. Dressing them will so much easier especially on the first few months of them as a baby if you go for a more unisex attire. You can buy dresses and trousers when they are old enough to be recognized as a girl and a boy.
Raising them alone won't work. If you're a single parent to twins, you will know in just a few weeks after they are born that it is a handful job to take. Also, parents have this pride in themselves that they think they can handle it, but having twins will double up the parenting hardship. You may ask a family member to help you out in raising the twin babies or if you have extra funds, you can always opt to hire a nanny or a babysitter. This way, taking care of your twins will not give you that much stress.
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