The coronavirus has affected the lives of almost everyone around the world. Sadly, even kids are affected. They could not go out to play like they used to. Being stuck indoors could be tiresome, and spending so much time on gadgets to pass the time could be unhealthy. Here are 13 indoor games that your kids will surely love to play while they stay home during the pandemic.
Pencil and Paper Games
Many games only require a pencil and paper. Some of them are battleship, hangman, sprouts, foldover, building words, and many more. If you are not familiar with these games, there are some instructions online that could help.
Popsicle sticks, cards, or blocks are what your kids need to build cities, towers, or buildings. They may even use pillows or boxes to build forts. Wherever their imagination takes them, these building games are sure to keep your kids, and you, busy.

Card Games
There are tons of card games you can enjoy with your kiddos. Sometimes all you need is a 52-pieces playing card to enjoy. If you are clueless, check out the list of card games.
For a more challenging game, let your kids play puzzles. You can use store-bought ones, or you may let your kids create personalized puzzles. Have them draw on cardboards and use a pencil to outline puzzle pieces. Cut through the lines and voila! You created your very own version of a puzzle.
This game doubles as a cardio exercise not only for your kids but for you too if you want to do some workout. Choose your kids' favorite tunes; play them out loud; ask the kids to dance to the music. When the music stops, they must freeze in whatever position they were in when the music stopped. Anyone who moves gets kicked out. Reward the child who is the last one standing, or dancing.
Board and Family Games
Monopoly, Scrabble, Word Factory, Snake 'n Ladder, Chess, etc. There are lots of board games to play with as a family. Choose one that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

DIY Balance Beam
Kids love walking in straight lines, especially when going out to play. With masking tape, make a straight line on the floor and let your kids take turns to walk one foot over the other until they reach the end of the line. For a more challenging game, let the kids walk backward or let them balance with one foot.
Hide and Seek
Everyone loves this classic game. To play, one person (the "It") covers his eyes and counts aloud while other players hide. At the end of counting, the "It" starts looking for the other players. First one to be found is the next "It."
Treasure Hunt
Kids love finding treasures - regardless of whether it is gold or just any other item. Write clues on small pieces of paper and scatter these around the house. The more creative your clues are, the more your kids will enjoy. Make a trail of clues until the last one where your kids will finally get a prize.
Indoor Bowling
If you do not want to buy a bowling playset, you may reuse empty water bottles filled with a little amount of water (make sure not to load too much water) as your pins, and choose a ball among your kids' toys and you have an instant bowling set. Stand all the pins and get the ball rolling!

Hot Potato
Get a potato (or anything easy for your kids' little hands to hold). This potato will be passed around while music plays in the background. The item should be passed as fast as possible. When the music stops, the player holding the "potato" leaves the game. Go on until there is only one player left, and that is the winner.
You will need a plate, straw, and dishwashing soap for this game. Place a dime-sized dishwashing liquid onto the plate, add water, and mix to make suds. Let the kids blow through the suds and watch bubbles grow. Let them have a contest of who blows the biggest and longest-lasting bubbles; that person wins a prize.
Simon Says
This game is a traditional one that even adults love to play. There will be one person assigned as Simon, most likely a parent, and the rest of the players will gather around in a circle. Then Simon will call out, "Simon says..." plus the command that everyone must follow. For a more challenging and fun game, Simon may act out a different action to what he says. For example, he may say "touch your toes", but he touches his ears. The ones that do not follow his actions are out. The last player to stay wins the game!
There are many other games that you can play at home. If ever you get tired of playing and want something more educational, you may try homeschooling your kids. This way, your kids are ready once they get back to school after the quarantine.