'Transformers 5' Cast & Plot: Film Set To Be Franchise Prequel With Spinoff In The Works? [Rumors]

Since the production team announced that "Transformers 5" is in the works, the hype about the film is becoming more intense. Recent reports about the anticipated fifth franchise are suggesting a possible prequel or spinoff.

In an earlier report from Parent Herald, it was revealed that the movie may take two storylines and score 12 sequels if each of the writers will write his or her own script. As MoviePilot puts it, the two-parter film will first focus on Earth with the humans clearing up after "Transformers: Age of Extinction" while dealing new threats.

Among the threats would be an army of Decepticon who regrouped themselves and are now ready to take over the Earth. There were rumors that it will be lead by the dreadful Unicron, a transformer who can morph itself into a planet.

The report suggests that due to its huge size, filmmakers shed themselves away from using Unicron despite its popularity among fans. With the second part of the film set in space, Unicron will be part of the plot line.

It will follow Optimus Prime's search for Quintessons that may reveal the origins of the Autobots and may present shocking revelations to the crowd-favorite transformer. This will also built up a cliffhanger which is tied to Unicron's mission in conquering the Earth.

While this two-part plot appears to be very interesting, it was taken from a casual conversation between Mark Ryan and a fan, which was misinterpreted. "I sincerely have no idea what the storyline for TF-5 will be, or who/what's in it, or even who will direct it! It's all secret until the movie is released so as not to spoil the excitement for the fans. Sorry guys!," said Ryan.

The new report about the film is its tentative title "Transformers One," which is supposed to be a prequel set entirely in space. It will tell the audience the untold story of Cybertron, the home of the Transformers and explain their struggle with the Decepticons.

IGN reported earlier about "Transformers in space," where there was a debate whether they will shoot in space or not, and the production recognized that shooting in space may disregard the human stories over the space-set movie.

"There are attractive notions to it, and unattractive. I think the unattractive, or the trick of it, is that we want our humans with us. So going to space might force an all-Transformers movie, and while I think some fans would love that, I think other fans would be disappointed they don't have humans. So I think that's the creative decision we've got to face about that idea," according to the report.

"Transformers 5" is initially set for release in 2017.

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