6 Interesting Facts About Breastfeeding and Sex

After giving birth, your partner could be excited to make love to you. However, for breastfeeding moms, having sex is not that exciting anymore. Do not fret, because it is not your fault if you are not turned on by your partner. What you are experiencing could only be caused by breastfeeding. Read on to find out why.

How Does Breastfeeding Affect Your Sex Life?

Breastfeeding Affects Your Libido

During breastfeeding, your estrogen levels fall making you dryer down there. And so does your progesterone levels, that lowers your libido - which means less loving time with the hubby.

Apart from that, a hormone called "oxytocin" is released during breastfeeding, making you feel like you just had an orgasm, which means that you can set aside having sex since your body is getting the need for lovemaking.

However, you may still try to enjoy your date night with your husband, since your libido sometimes is on its high, and sometimes is at its lowest.

Breastfeeding Can Make You Orgasm

This reaction is not about being sexual, rather it is caused by your hormones. As mentioned above, breastfeeding causes your body to release oxytocin which makes you feel the same as having an orgasm, but in the form of intense uterus contraction. Aside from oxytocin, prolactin is also released and aids in making you feel pleasure.

Some mothers said that breastfeeding makes them feel erotic, and these feelings are normal due to the release of hormones.

6 Interesting Facts About Breastfeeding and Sex
How does breastfeeding affect your sex life? pexels/Asad Photos Maldives

Milk May Come Out During Sex

Yes, it does happen, but not all the time. So when you are shy to admit nor share your experience with your friends, and then they start agreeing with one another, you might not believe it but it is very common. Your breast milk spurts out because again, due to the famous hormone oxytocin.

If you do not want to squirt milk to your partner's face, then you may breastfeed your baby first before you do the deed so that your breasts are not full.

Your Breasts Are Off Limits

When you started breastfeeding, you may feel so much pain in your nipples that you would not want anyone to touch them, including your partner. A few weeks after, you noticed that you do not feel any pleasure when you are being touched on your breasts. It is quite normal, but be sure to tell your partner about this so that he knows what not to do.

And when your partner is well informed, you may discuss what you would want to do as a substitute. Some other breastfeeding moms share that by stroking them lightly using the back or palm of hands could work. While others say that you could let your partner lift or sway them gently to help bring back your senses. Licking the nipples also does wonders.

Stimulation of Nipples May Lead to a Different Outcome

Sometimes, if your partner sucks on the nipples, breast milk is also released, which might surprise him. Human milk tastes sweet because of its natural sugar content. If your partner enjoys it, you may include it in your sex to have more fun.

6 Interesting Facts About Breastfeeding and Sex
Breastfeeding may prevent pregnancy. pexels/Engin Akyurt

Breastfeeding Is a Natural Birth Control

Breastfeeding is ninety-eight percent effective at preventing pregnancy but mostly until six months postpartum. This is only true if you still have no period, your baby is less than six months old, and your baby feeds every four to six hours apart. If one of these conditions is not met, then you are a candidate for getting pregnant. Also, please bear in mind that you still have that two percent chance of getting pregnant even if all the conditions are met.

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