13 Useful Tips When Traveling With A Baby

Traveling with babies is fun because you get to see how excited and happy they are. You would want to bring them to places they have never been, and they will surely enjoy trying out things they have never done before.

However, bringing babies or toddlers on your trip is also hard. Because you have to bring lots of baby stuff and you are not sure which ones you would be needed, and which ones should be better left behind.

Here are the 13 useful tips for traveling with babies or toddlers.

When traveling by plane, make sure to book a seat that has a bassinet connection and a separate seat for older kids.

Have your partner pre-board the bassinet during the pre-boarding phase, and de-board the plane close to the take-off time. This way, you would have extra minutes to let your kid be active before he needs to be secured to his seat.

13 Useful Tips When Traveling With A Baby
What are the things to bring when traveling with baby by plane? pexels/C. Cagnin

Prepare snacks and fluid.

Pack non-perishable goods, and keep your baby hydrated. Also, bring a sippy cup or water bottle for your little one to suck on to relieve air pressure during take-off and landing.

Bring lots of clothing and diapers.

Dress your baby with layers of clothing when traveling by plane. Babies do not like it cold, and it would be easier to remove the excess when the temperature is high. And you would not know when your baby would dirty his clothes or need a diaper change, so make these things readily accessible.

Bring important medications.

Some kids need maintenance treatment, such as an inhaler, nebulizer, antihistamine drug, or the likes. This is very important as you are not sure if they are available at your destination. Also bring medicine for common colds, fever, insect bites, stomach ache.

Bring mosquito repellent.

You may bring mosquito repellent patches, lotion, or sprays -- whichever works well to your kids. You would not want your kids getting bitten by the pesky mosquitoes.

Bring baby gear that you will use.

You could bring a stroller for when your child sleeps, or a baby carrier for times when your baby does not want to stay put in the stroller, and you have a long walk ahead.

Bring items that they need to sleep.

Be it his favorite stuffed animal, or blanket, or pillow, bring it so he would easily fall asleep especially when traveling, he is not used to new places and his favorite stuff is his comfort zone. And do not forget to pull down the shades on the window for a more conducive sleep.

Bring treats and activities.

Keep small toys and activities in your bag and give it to your child when he starts getting cranky.

Keep them busy.

There are many ways to keep your child busy while traveling. You may sing songs, play games, tell stories, teach him stuff that gets past your car. The important thing is they are interested and entertained.

Bring items that are related to the place you are going to.

Tell your kids stories about the places you are visiting. Bring storybooks or toys about the places you are going to visit, making your travel not only enjoyable but educational too.

If you could, travel for less than six hours.

It is not good for your kids to sit in one position for long hours, the same as adults. When traveling by car, make sure to stop by a place so that you could do some stretches and work out your muscles and bones.

13 Useful Tips When Traveling With A Baby
Be prepared when traveling with kids. pexels/Element5 Digital

Schedule trips around your kid's sleep time.

This will make your trip easier because you will handle less fuzz because your child is sleeping soundly.

Sit right next to your child.

Parents are a child's comfort zone. When you sit beside him, he will be at ease and he will feel secured. When traveling by car, make sure one parent sits beside him as the other drives.

So there you have it. Bringing a baby or young child need not be a nightmare to anyone. All you need is being preparedness for your family to have a happy bonding time.

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