9 Helpful Tips to a Long Lasting Marriage

You have watched in movies that there are a couple thrice your age and yet they looked as sweet as a newly married couple. You want your relationship with your partner to last like that. However, when you think about it, it seems impossible because you know that you have many differences, and happy endings are for fairytales only, right? Wrong.

Happily ever after does happen in real life. A gerontologist and author of "30 Lessons for Loving: Advice From the Wisest Americans on Love, Relationships, and Marriage," Karl Pillemer interviewed more than 700 people as part of Cornell Marriage Advice Project. The number of years these people have been married totals 40,000.

Here is the most common advice among couples that have been married for 30, 40, and 50 years.

Never settle for anything less.

Do not get married just because people have been putting pressure on you. Get married only if you are in love. Love does not last forever, but it helps in times that you feel like giving up.

9 Helpful Tips to a Long Lasting Marriage
Get married only if you are in love. unsplash/Steve Halama

Put Your Partner Before Your Kids.

Once a woman gives birth, most of the time they would put all their time and effort into taking care of the baby. While it is understandable for mothers to do this during the first few months after having given birth, she should still make it a point to make her husband feel that he is still and forever will be her number one before their kids. The same rule applies to husbands.

9 Helpful Tips to a Long Lasting Marriage
Put your partner before your kids. unsplash/Dương Hữu

Communicate always.

Constant communication is important to a lasting relationship. Talk about everything. Talk about your future goals and plans. After getting married, talk when there is something you do not like.

Do not fight when hungry.

This one could surprise you, but it was one of the people's advice. Do not spit out hurtful words, instead, insert something yummy in it.

Prioritize your partner's needs.

Pillemer was told that couples need to pay attention to their partner's satisfaction. They give their best to make their partner's lives happy, easy, and enjoyable. Because they know that that would make their relationship stronger.

Change for the better.

As the cliche goes, change is inevitable. So many things will change as you stay in your marriage for the years to come. Couples who are willing to change end up successful in their marriage. Be those couple if you want your relationship to last.

Take good care of yourself.

If you want to take care of your partner, you should also take good care of yourself, because how can you make your partner happy if you are always sick? People who are happily married stay fit and healthy. They make it a point to look good because they know that that is needed for a long-lasting marriage.

9 Helpful Tips to a Long Lasting Marriage
Take good care of yourself. unsplash/the5th

Marriage is a long-term commitment.

Couples who want to have a lasting relationship should be committed to the idea that marriage is a holy sacrament that is built to last. It means that no matter how many hardships they experience, they would do all that they can to make their relationship work.

Respect your partner.

Respect is important because it nurtures trust and breeds true love. When a person feels respected, they become more giving and understanding of their partner.

There are still many ways on how to make your marriage last long, however, try your best to follow the list above and see how it would affect your relationship with your partner.

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