As the saying goes, a mother is a daughter's best friend. The same is true to mother Carolina Tovar and daughter Letty Ramirez of Southern California. The two were inseparable, and as their relative would put it, fate made them connected until the end. Both Tovar and Ramirez died due to complications brought by the coronavirus. What is even shocking is that they died hours away from each other.
The inseparable duo.
Ramirez and Tovar belong to a very close-knit family. And it has become a tradition for the two to spend time together while cooking and sharing recipes that they like sharing and serving to their relatives. They also love enjoying their favorite classic Mexican movies. One of their favorite bondings as well is having their nails done together.
When Tovar got sick due to kidney failure, it was Ramirez whom she trusted to take care of her. Ramirez was her mother's chaperone to the hospital on her weekly dialysis. They were always there for each other.
But their relative closeness was later on challenged as the two obtained the coronavirus at almost the same time.
Coronavirus got the best of the mother and daughter bond.
According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, in the middle of March, Tovar, and Ramirez experienced breathing difficulties. That is why they were, later on, rushed to the hospital. Ramirez was the first one who was admitted. They spent their time trying to recover from different hospitals.
Both of them were diagnosed with COVID-19. But what made it more difficult for Ramirez was the new diagnoses: diabetes and kidney failure.
During the critical situation of Tovar in the hospital, her family had the painful decision to put her on a ventilator. Tovar requested this to her family, so her relatives had no choice but to let her go. The Tovar family was able to witness her last breathing moments via Facetime last April 3. And a few hours after that, they heard the news that Ramirez also passed away.
Grieving relatives
The relatives of the mother and daughter duo are having a difficult time in what they consider as a quick turn of events. Something they were not prepared to experience, especially during this crisis.
Tovar's warmth to all family members, her unwavering love for her children and grandchildren, and her inspiring trust and empathy will surely be missed, according to her relatives.
What makes this tragedy more difficult to bear is the fact that despite being a big family, they cannot come together to console each other. That is because they need to stay socially distanced from each other. Facetime was their only means to grieve together, just like how they were able to bid their goodbyes to Tovar and Ramirez.
Although moving forward is difficult for the entire family now that the two dear ladies of their lives are gone, they find calm in the thought that the inseparable Letty and Carolina are going to stay that way because fate did not let them be.