ER Doctor in Texas Moves Into Children's Tree House

Screenshot from Jennifer Barnes YouTube account.

Being in the frontlines during the pandemic is one thing for Dr. Jason Barnes, but bringing home the virus to his loved ones is another.

Dr. Barnes is an Emergency Room doctor who treated a patient who had symptoms of COVID-19. Later on, this patient tested positive. Dr. Barnes' wife, Jenna, said that he cannot go home yet. That is why the Barnes Family decided to ask Dr. Barnes to move out of the house and live next door, at the children's treehouse.

Instead of renting an RV, or staying in a room for rent, Dr. Barnes decided that it would be best to stay in their treehouse. Enough to be socially-distanced from his family, but not too far that he will not be able to see them.

Making the Decision

After knowing that he has treated a COVID-19 positive, Dr. Barnes had the biggest fear of bringing home the virus to his family; so did his wife, Jenna.

In an interview with TODAY, the 39-year-old ER Doctor shared that his decision was firm when he saw the fear in his wife's eyes. He also did not want his wife to be frightened.

For Jenna, this may sound funny to other people, but she believes that it is for the safety of their family.

The Treehouse Tour

In the video "Cribs: Quarantine Edition" ER Doc in Treehouse, which was initially shared by Jenna in her YouTube account, Dr. Barnes gave a tour of where he was staying. He entered through the trapdoor and showed where he was sleeping. Dr. Barnes then uses the bottom bunk in the double-decker as his bed while the top serves as his closet. He also showed his "refrigerator," which is the cool box storage. A small air conditioner has been installed in the treehouse.

Because of the mosquitoes and bugs in his temporary home, he is all prepared with bug spray and insect zapper.

Dr.Barnes also has a work station next to his bed, and a nice hammock for a good view of the neighbors and for relaxation.

When he needs something from the house, he has a quarantine bucket placed outside. His food, which was cooked by Mrs. Barnes, is being placed on a table outside their home where Dr. Barnes gets it.

According to Dr. Banes, the best part of his treehouse retreat is that every afternoon, he gets the chance to see his family even from afar.

Until when will be the treehouse quarantine?

In the Youtube video, Dr. Barnes imparted that it is only the quarantine that can help everyone during this pandemic. That is why, although it is not very comfortable in the treehouse, he will stay there in the foreseeable future. The family is checking the guidance from local health officials about the number of cases and the social distancing rules before deciding whether it is already safe for him to return home.

Aside from that, the family's decision, according to Dr. Barnes, will come from the family's CEO, who is his wife, Jenna.

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