Jonathan Coelho, 32, a loving husband and father, left a heartbreaking letter to his wife and kids before his passing due to the Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19.
Coelho is a diligent and an essential worker for the state of Connecticut for over 10 years. His wife, Katie, 33, described him as someone who has a smile that could make anyone feel loved and someone that could make you feel secure. Jonathan and Katie were blessed with two children - Penelope, 10-month-old, and Braedyn, 2-year-old.
Before getting ill, the family takes extra precautions to stay safe because of Braedyn's condition. The child was diagnosed with a number of health issues including cerebral palsy. Coelho always put gloves, masks, as well as frequently washing his hands, all throughout his day at work. Katie mentioned that his husband is very careful with sanitary practices, especially with their child's condition.
It was on March 24 when Jonathan had found out that he had been in contact with someone who tested positive for the virus. He experienced symptoms such as fatigue, migraine, and having no sense of smell.
Katie said that within 24 hours, Jonathan started coughing, and was not able to catch his breath in between. The doctor advised him to go to the hospital for nebulizer treatments.
On March 26, Jonathan tested positive for COVID-19. He was hospitalized and was under observation due to his severe breathing issues.
The doctors believed that he would make a full recovery. However, his symptoms took a worse turn.
Jonathan had been fighting for his dear life at a hospital in Danbury for 28 days. He was on a ventilator for 20 days when he suddenly went into a cardiac arrest.
Katie rushed to the hospital but it was too late. She sat with his husband in the ICU after he was pronounced dead. Katie wept while telling his husband how much she and their children loved him.
When Jonathan's phone and belongings were brought to Katie, it was only then that she saw the note that his late husband had written.
The letter started with Jonathan's declaration of love for his family. The late young father expressed how lucky and how proud he is to be the husband of Katie and to be the father of their children.
The letter continued with the father's message to their children.
Jonathan said that he will always be Braedyn's best bud and that he is and will always be proud of the things that his son had done and will do. For his daughter, Penelope, he mentioned that she is a princess and therefore, she could have whatever she wants in life.
The letter concluded with Jonathan's message to his wife of seven years, Katie, by expressing his love and admiration for her. Jonathan told his wife to live her life with happiness and with the same passion that he had fallen in love with. Finally, Jonathan declared that seeing Katie being the best mother to their children was the greatest thing that he had ever experienced.