Going through a life-changing crisis is scary. Serious accidents almost always come as a surprise, and we are left with no choice but to grapple with the harsh reality. With the global pandemic hitting us unexpectedly, things are even worse for those who are dealing with a health condition such as a paralyzed husband. If you know someone who is suddenly a caregiver for their partner, here are some things that could do to help lessen their burden:
Offer to Make Meals
Food is a necessity but it can be difficult to prepare a decent meal when you are a full time caregiver to a partner. This is even more true if the family has young children. One way of showing your concern is by bringing them food and prepared meals that will lessen their load, even for just a few hours.
Be Their Person
Spouses who become their partner's caregiver often suffer from caregiver fatigue. During these trying times, they may need someone who is willing to hear them out and not make them feel guilty for feeling tired and weary. Allow them to pour their heart out; just listen to them and don't try to offer any advice, especially if you haven't experienced their situation.
Try To Do Things For Them
Being the head of the family during a life-changing crisis is tough. As a reliable friend or family member, you can become their go-to person. If you have the time, you can offer to run errands such as paying the bills, doing the grocery shopping, or picking up the kids from school. You can also help by offering to look for their legal representation. Suppose the person was injured in a truck accident. You can go to this website to learn more about personal injury and how to get properly compensated.
Organize a Donation Drive
Your friend may not complain to you about their finances but that doesn't mean they aren't feeling the strain of becoming a one income household. They are likely to need financial support before the insurance settlement comes through. You can help by setting up an online donation fund.
Know Your Limits
As much as you want to support your friend during this time, there are boundaries that you have to observe. If your friend says no, don't push it. Allow her to contact you when she needs you. Sometimes, leaving someone alone for a period of time can help them get their bearings. It would also be prudent for you not to come to their home unannounced. You have to consider that your friend's partner may not be comfortable allowing someone to see them when they are vulnerable and helpless. Give them their privacy.
Never Compare Their Situation
One of the worst things that you can do is provide a bunch of anecdotes about a friend of a friend or a friend of an aunt's cousin who had the same accident and situation as your friend is having. It is insensitive and may send the signal that you are undermining the present condition that they are in.
Don't Alienate Your Friend
There have been instances when people lose touch with their friends because the other felt alienated. While they may not be comfortable talking about their current situation, it would help to acknowledge and send some words of encouragement. Be careful, however, of saying cliche phrases. They've heard it a thousand times already, and they want something genuine to come from you.
The best thing that you can do for your friend going through a life-changing crisis is to act instead of talk. Do not offer empty words of support. Make sure that you really do the things that you've promised them.