With only gas and air as pain relief, 34-year-old Mom Emma Fearon welcomed her newborn baby, who is 11 pounds and 6 ounces, through home birth.
Newborn baby Atticus James Fearon is as heavy as a bowling ball. He is now one of the biggest babies in Britain.
Surprisingly, Mom Emma had no stitches after giving birth to baby Atticus.
Deciding on Homebirth
Giving birth is one thing, but when you do it at home, that is another.
However, for Mom Emma, it is something she has prepared for a long time ago. She said, "I had planned to have a home birth from the start and was concerned when NHS trusts started to close down the home birth service."
Emma shared that she set her self and the family to home birth, since the start of the pregnancy. That is because she knew that she would go there alone if she had chosen to give birth at the hospital.
"I would have had to go alone to the hospital if not with my husband staying at home with the girls," Emma said.
Fearon hired two independent midwives for home birth to continue her plan of giving birth at home.
Emma's decision to give birth at home was also based on her previous experiences in giving birth at the hospital. Her first baby was born with forceps assistance. Emma's second baby, on the other hand, was born with no issues.
Giving Birth To One of Britain's Heaviest Babies
Emma went on labor for almost three hours, which is considered as relatively short. She gave birth in a pool. The midwives arrived half an hour before she gave birth.
Emma gave birth using hypnobirthing techniques at her home in Thorton-le-Moore in Chesire.
Even with the size and weight of Emma's newborn baby, she had no stitches. She said, "It just goes to show what women's bodies are capable of and a nice reassurance for those that are predicted to have big babies."
Her midwives were also very supportive of Emma's home birth. They told her that women's bodies "would not produce a baby that you can't give birth to," they were also very supportive of her plans.
No one in Emma's family or her midwives expected that the newborn baby would turn out to be that big.
Although baby Atticus was born 11 pounds and 6 ounces, he is not the biggest baby in Britain. The biggest baby is Anila. She was born last year at 12 pounds and 6 ounces. The biggest baby in Britain was born without any painkillers at North Mid.
According to research, an average baby weighs 7.27 pounds to 7.49 pounds.
Baby Atticus was born without any complications. Emma is exclusively breastfeeding baby Atticus, while also breastfeeding her second baby, who is now 27 months old.
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