8 Co-ed baby shower games to make soon-to-be parents happy

Most baby shower games are done by families and friends, focusing on the moms-to-be. Even if it is not obvious, expectant dads are as excited as his pregnant partner. Waiting for the baby to be born also causes dads to be anxious.

Help them relax and enjoy their wives' pregnancies by preparing a baby shower for them too. Here are some co-ed baby shower games for dads and moms who are expecting their babies.

See also: 8 Virtual Baby Shower Games [Just As Exciting As Traditional Ones]

8 Co-ed baby shower games to make soon-to-be parents happy
unsplash/Tai's Captures

Parent trivia

This game includes both parents, where you let them out of the room first. Provide questions about the expectant couple and let the guests guess answers on a sheet of paper.

You could include questions such as when and where the couple met or where they got married. You may also ask them to guess the dad's shirt color or the color of the mom's bag.

Name the baby

One great game to include men is by making them name the baby counterparts of animals. Make a list of animals and have the guests answer how each baby is called. For an easier game, you may let them match the correct pair with the allotted time.

Pair dress up challenge

Invite pairs of players and have them stand side by side. Let the first person use the right hand and the second person the left. Have them change diapers, clothes, socks, and pants of a baby doll. It will show how much teamwork the pair has.

See also: 7 Virtual Baby Shower Ideas [Make Sure to Do No. 2]

Baby beer

If you are familiar with the baby bottle drinking contest, then the baby beer is fairly easy for you. Instead of juice or milk inside the bottles, fill them with beer, wine, or soda and have the players empty their bottles. The first one to finish by sucking on the nipples is the winner. You may also make it a relay to make it more fun.

Identify the baby belly

Have couples make fake bellies, and let the soon-to-be dad identify which one is the real pregnant belly with eyes covered.

Clothesline game

Group the players into two and have the players line up. With a baby and a cellphone in their hands, have them pin as many baby clothes on the clothesline from their group's basket. The first group to pin all the clothes wins the game.

8 Co-ed baby shower games to make soon-to-be parents happy
unsplash/Philippe Jausions

See also: Baby Name Generator: 7 Apps to Help You Find the Most Unique Name for Your Baby

Baby food tasting game

Using the same group (or you may reshuffle the players), have the players blindfolded and taste each baby food. Let one of the players guess the flavor, and the group that guessed the most bottles correctly wins the game.

Pin the sperm on the egg game

Draw or print out the basic anatomy of the vagina and cut out art paper with the shape of sperm. Add googly eyes for more fun. Have the men blindfolded and have them attach the sperm cutout onto the eggs in the middle of the vulva with their partners' instruction. The pair who attached the fastest wins the game.

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