21 Funny yet true mom memes from Twitter [A break from all the stresses in life]

You must be familiar with the cliche that says: "The days are long, but the years are short." While moms these days are lucky enough to receive help from their partners, more often, mothers are still the primary caregivers at home.

Apart from having to tend to their husbands' needs, they also have to play with their kids, homeschool them, clean the house, cook meals, and so much more. True enough, the days are even longer (you will find out the possible reason as you continue reading), because they have more errands than ever.

A five-minute of an uninterrupted shower or maybe a short quiet time to enjoy a hot coffee cup is what every mom needs. But since it seems quite impossible to happen, a short break might be enough to keep moms sane.

Moms, we understand how you feel. To help relieve your stress and problems for a while, we have compiled funny mom memes from Twitter. Start the slideshow to see if you can relate to any of the tweets, or maybe have a contest with your mom friends to see who among you scored the highest. Have fun!

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