Dad and daughter duo creates viral videos that show off their talent in dancing

Comment on one of the viral videos of the dad and daughter duo
Comment on one of the viral videos of the dad and daughter duo Screenshot from TikTok
Dad and daughter duo creates viral videos
Dad and daughter duo creates viral videos Screenshot from TikTok

Every day, a new viral video pops up of our social media feeds. Sometimes these are cute kids who do not even have any idea they are cute. Other times, it is something unexpected but interesting.

For the Thurmons, creating videos is like an everyday routine that becomes their bonding time. However, making viral videos that are enjoyed by millions of people is like a fringe benefit of their family bonding.

Eighteen years old Maggie Thurmon uploads most of her videos on the social media platform, TikTok. She does not just upload videos of her dancing, but she is. most of the time. joined by her supportive parents.

@maggiethurmon has almost three million followers on TikTok and thousands of followers and subscribers on Instagram and YouTube.

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 I got bitten by bugs taking these:( A post shared by  Mags (@maggiethurmon) on Jul 18, 2020 at 1:55pm PDT

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Maggie's viral videos

Maggie's followers strongly believe that she is a great dancer. This talent is something that the eighteen-year-old girl from Atlanta loves sharing.

@maggiethurmonWouldn’t recommend doing this dance in a skirt ♬ Laffy taffy Remix flyboyfu vocals produced by Adub - waikiki_fields

Maggie is regularly joined by his dad, Dan Thurmon.

One of the most viewed videos of dad and daughter duo has more than 37 million views. This video shows Maggie trying to help her dad stand on heels, then a few moments later, her dad slays the "runway" with Maggie.

@maggiethurmon Bought dad his first and last pair of heels today @maggiesdad123 ♬ nursery - bbno$

Maggie's followers enjoyed watching the dad and daughter duo in the video. Some of them even joked about Dan being able to walk better in heels than other girls.

Aside from this video, the dad and daughter duo also has a lot of videos dancing together. Dan dances gracefully with his daughter - something that Maggie's followers love about him.

@maggiethurmonbefore all the comments about “how big my house is”, it’s not my house@maggiesdad123 ♬ For a Minute - WizTheMc
@maggiethurmon it’s ironic bc I wasn’t allowed to watch spongebob as a kid@maggiesdad123 ♬ original sound - walkinator

The dad and daughter dance together, but they also have other videos that keep all their subscribers entertained.

@maggiethurmoncomment questions y’all have for part two!! @maggiesdad123 ♬ original sound - maggiethurmon

In few videos, the duo is also joined by Maggie's mom. The three of them are in dance videos led by Maggie.

@maggiethurmon I’M EIGHTEEN!! @maggiesdad123 @maggiethurmonsmom ♬ original sound - snxwflakee

@maggiethurmonAll I said was make a tiktok with me @maggiesdad123 @maggiethurmonsmom ♬ original sound - maggiethurmon

Supporting Maggie

In a blog that Dan Thurmon posted in 2019, he shared how he watches his daughter do something that she loves.

During the time the blog was posted, Maggie only has 310,00 followers. Nevertheless, Dan has been very supportive since then.

He said, "It's been so fun to see her work hard to figure out what works and what doesn't."

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