A dad from Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom shared a heartbreaking story about his son. It was a story that made the dad realize how difficult it is to talk about race with his son.
He never thought that he would have to talk to his five-year-old son about racism when he was only starting to live his life.
The dad shared that events at his son's school made his little boy asked about his skin color. He even saw his son trying to rub off his black skin.
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The heartbreaking story
According to Cambridgeshire Live, the heartbreaking story happened a year ago when this dad saw his son scrubbing himself hard with a towel.
When the dad asked his son about it, the 5-year-old boy said a girl in his class did not invite the little boy to the party because of his skin color.
Surprisingly, because of that, the little boy was trying to do to rub off his black skin.
It was not the first time that this dad had to explain racism to his child. Before the "rubbing off" incident, the child's mother saw the little boy rub dandelion to his skin.

It was the boy's way of trying to become white. According to the child, there was a boy in his class who said the dandelion can help turn the skin white from black.
How did the parents react?
Upon knowing their five-year-old son's ordeal, the couple was first angry. However, they thought of the possible effects of their reaction to their child.
What they did was they explained to the young boy that every child is unique and that he is loved, no matter what.
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The dad also told his son that there would be other parties to go, although the little boy seemed quite disappointed. He said that he thinks his son like the girl who did not invite him to the party.
Even if the incidents did not affect the child that much, the dad was upset with what happened. He felt that someone had taken the opportunity from him as a father to explain racism to his child.
For the dad, the girl who said that to his son was not important. What he thinks is important is how they will deal with it as a family. He said that what they want to do is to prepare their son with the life ahead of him, just in case something similar is going to happen.
The dad believes that this heartbreaking story should not even exist. His story is just one of the many shared during the Black Lives Matter Movement in Cambridgeshire, recently.