What Should Parents Know About Rap Music?

Multiethnic teenagers listening music in headphones

There is a growing movement that is centered around rap music. Many people feel that rap music is powering social change. Therefore, most people believe that rap music is a force for good. On the other hand, some parents who might be hearing rap music for the first time might be worried that the music is not appropriate for their children. They might even hear it on Rap TV. There are a few questions that parents often have about rap music. First, they want to know if they are condoning explicit language by letting their kids listen to it. Second, they want to know if they should only let their kids listen to clean versions of these songs. Finally, is it fine to ignore kids who are listening to rap music on their headphones if parents cannot hear it?

First, there are a few points that parents need to know. Parents should remember that during the era of rock and roll (their childhood), their parents probably didn't condone the music they listened to. This is a similar situation. Because rap music is something new, parents are nervous to let their kids listen to it. This is fine. Of course, parents need to be wary of the language and the lyrics in this music and compare this to the age and maturity of their children. If parents believe that their kids are not mature enough to know that they shouldn't repeat profanity in public spaces, then they probably shouldn't let them listen to rap music yet.

On the other hand, parents need to teach their kids that it is okay to listen to something even if they don't agree with everything they hear. Look, kids should be able to watch TV shows with profanity and know that they cannot repeat profanity in public, right? Rap music should not be any different. As long as kids know they cannot repeat profanity in public, they should be able to listen to rap music.

The reality is that rap music is an important part of culture today. In many ways, it is driving the movements that are pushing for social change. Therefore, parents need to focus on the message that rap music is sending. It calls for equality. It calls for hard work. It calls for giving back to the community. These are all messages that kids can take to heart and translate into positive action.

Kids need privacy. Parents shouldn't feel nervous if they see their kids listening to music with their headphones on. Kids need to be given trust in order to grow into strong, responsible adults. This is the approach that parents should take.

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