A mom desperately needed a baby formula but could reach the local WIC. Luckily, she called the wrong number to get the right person to help her.
The pandemic has left many parents in Florida financially distressed. Monica Eubank is no exception. She has been trying to make ends meet while making sure her 3 older children get to attend virtual school. Still, the inevitable happened. Her finances got so badly impacted that she found herself running out of baby formula.
Running out of baby formula forced her to ask help from a local WIC
Her instincts told her to go to the local WIC - a nutrition program for women, infants, and children - to ask for assistance. So she did. Sadly, she didn't know that the WIC office has moved. She was left with no recourse but to contact the phone number posted on the notice.
That would have been the end of the story, only that the phone number did not belong to the WIC, but instead, to another local citizen - Craig Wilkerson. Wilkerson had received 49 missed calls since his number was inadvertently listed on the WIC's notice. He didn't pick up those calls thinking they were a scam. After 49 missed calls, he answered the last one, Monica's.
Missed calls turned out to be 'call for help'
Only when he spoke with Monica that he realized it wasn't a scam. After asking her several times, Monica said that she needs a baby formula. Craig then offered to help her instead of hanging up because she called the wrong number.
In a television interview with WESH2's Stewart Moore, Craig said it broke his heart realizing that there were 48 other missed calls he didn't answer. Now, he said, it was a mistake knowing that those people didn't get through and get the help they needed.
Wilkerson said that he has been on government service before, so he understands how it feels when you are trying to reach out for help and nobody answers. To him, that was unacceptable.
His own financial struggles didn't stop him from helping
However, Wilkerson has also been struggling financially because of the pandemic. In fact, it's already been weeks, and he is still to get his unemployment benefits. Still, nothing is stopping this good samaritan from doing what he feels is the right thing to do.
Wilkerson humbly told WESH2 that it just happened that they had a little extra money from the food stamp card that they got. And that is how he was able to help Monica buy the baby formula and other stuff she needed for her baby.
Monica was thankful for the assistance she got from Craig. In the interview, she told how thankful she was to still find good people left in the world. She herself always tries to do good deeds and now she finds herself on the receiving end. "I got my blessing today," she said.
Small things count, she said, and that she considers that small thing already a big thing. Especially that Wilkerson didn't have to go out of his way to help, but he still did anyway.
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