How to tell if eggs are bad is quite tricky.
You suddenly crave eggs, so you head down to the kitchen to make some scrambled eggs. However, you have been gone for days, and you forgot when it was exactly that you bought your eggs.
You want to know which ones are still good, but you can't figure it out. You've come to the right place then.
How to tell if eggs are bad
It is better to be safe than sorry. Thus, here are five simple ways to check if the egg are still fresh or you need to throw them away.
Check expiration date
If the eggs happen to still be in the carton, then you can check the expiration date or the "sell by" date to tell if the eggs are still fresh.
The "sell by" date indicates until what date the product can still be sold or when it should be removed from the shelf. It is doesn't mean though that it is not safe for consumption after that date. Typically, eggs are still good three to five weeks past the "sell by" date.
Also, USDA graded eggs should show the "packed date," which indicates when the product was processed or the final packing. Take note, though, that the date is printed as a Julian date - January 1 is printed as 001, and December 31 is printed as 365.
Meanwhile, food that had gone beyond the expiration date means the quality of the food is not at its best but is still safe to eat. If the eggs are still with 21-30 days from the "packed date" or within the "sell by" date, they should still be fresh.
Do a water test
If you happen to have thrown away the egg carton or still suspicious that the eggs are no longer fresh, then you can do a water test. It's pretty simple. Put the egg in a glass or a bowl filled with cold water. If the egg sinks and lays on its side at the bottom, then it is fresh.
If it sinks but stands on one of its ends, then it is not fresh but can still be eaten - but use it soon. If the egg floats to the top, you should not consume it.
Sniff it
Another method to check if the egg has gone bad is to do a sniff test. A fresh egg should give off a neutral smell, while rotten eggs will have a distinct smell. The stink comes from the hydrogen sulfide produced by the bad egg. If that is the case, toss it away.
Check it visually
Is it cracked or slimy? Cracks, powdery texture, or sliminess can mean mold or the presence of bacteria. Otherwise, you can crack it and check the egg white and the yolk. The yolk should be yellow or orange in color. If you see pink, green, blue, or black, then it's already turning bad. On the other hand, the egg white should not spread out but be slightly stiff.
Shake the egg
Another trick to see if the egg is still good to eat is to shake it while holding it up to your ear. If you hear a swishing or a sloshing sound, then that means it is old, and you need to discard it.
What is the best way to cook eggs?
For not so fresh eggs, you can hard boil, scramble or make an omelet. Super fresh eggs are good for frying, poaching, and baking.
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