9 Early Pregnancy Signs You Should Be Aware Of

9 Early Pregnancy Signs You Should Be Aware Of
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If you are not sure if you're pregnant or not, then check out these early pregnancy signs that could indicate that you are pregnant.

9 Early Pregnancy Signs

Not all women would experience the same signs and symptoms of pregnancy. However, if you suspect you are pregnant and notice one or more of these signs, see to it that you make an appointment with a healthcare provider as soon as possible.

1. Missed period

This would typically be the early signs of pregnancy for those who have a regular menstrual cycle. If your period is late for more than a week, it could be a sign that you are pregnant; however, you can do a home pregnancy test to rule this out.

Possible reasons for late periods, other than pregnancy, include stress, losing weight quickly, obesity, excessive exercise, perimenopause, and thyroid problems. Whatever the reason could be, have yourself checked by a medical professional.

2. Swollen tender breasts

Your breasts may get swollen and feel tender as early as one to two weeks after conceiving. This is because your body produces more estrogen and progesterone during the early weeks of pregnancy. You may also notice that your areola will become darker and veins on your breasts are more prominent.

3. Morning sickness

Morning sickness can occur at any anytime of the day or night. Typically, you experience this between the 2nd week and the 8th week of pregnancy. However, not all pregnant women experience morning sickness, while some experience it much earlier in their pregnancy.

4. Fatigue

You would normally feel fatigued during your pregnancy as your body works doubly hard to support the pregnancy. Your progesterone level shoots up at this stage, which causes you to feel tired and sleepy.

5. Frequent urination

You may also need to urinate more frequently than usual. Apart from the hormonal changes, your body's fluid levels rise during pregnancy. This causes your kidney to work harder to get rid of the excess fluid and so you urinate more often.

Moreover, in the trimester of your pregnancy, your baby's growing size will also put more pressure on your bladder. This will also cause you to feel the urge to urinate more often.

6. Mood swings

Changing hormones will also cause mood swings during the early stages of pregnancy. Sometimes, you would even find yourself crying for no reason. Physical stresses and fatigue may also contribute to mood swings during pregnancy.

7. Food cravings/aversion

You may find yourself craving for an odd combination of foods or a specific type of food during pregnancy. It is still not known why pregnant women would have the urge for specific food, texture, taste, aroma. However, experts believe that it could be due to hormones that alter a woman's sense of taste and smell during pregnancy.

On the flipside, pregnant women may also develop a sudden aversion to a specific food. Experts say that this behavior could be associated with morning sickness. Both are thought to be caused by the raised levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).

8. Cramps

During your first trimester, you may experience cramps in your legs or feet. It generally happens as your uterus expands and causes the ligaments and muscles to stretch.

9. Nasal congestion

Increasing hormone levels and blood productions can cause you to experience congestion, bloody noses, and postnasal drip. In particular, increased estrogen levels can cause the blood vessels to dilate, hence, mucous membranes in your nose swell.

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