If you want to know how to get rid of a stye, you may want to try these home remedies that are easy to do.
A stye is a red, swollen lump that forms on the edge of the eyelid. Sometimes, a stye can occur inside or under the eyelid. Most stye will disappear on its own with or without treatment after a week or two.
Warm compress
Putting a warm - but not hot - wet compress on the eye for short periods a few times per day can help open up the glands that will drain the stye more quickly, and it can also help in easing the pain. Also, put it on your eye for about 5 to 10 minutes. Do not try to puncture or squeeze the stye. Do this 3 to 4 times each day.
Eye hygiene
Dr Michelle Green, a dermatologist, said that you must avoid harsh, synthetic chemicals when cleaning your eye area. Instead, she said to use a mild soap and water to clean your eyelid. You can also choose a tear-free baby shampoo and mix it with a bit of warm water. Use a cotton swab or a clean washcloth to wipe off your eyelids gently.
In knowing how to get rid of a stye, you also need to know that it is essential to keep the eye clean since it is possible to spread the bacteria to other people and the different parts of the eye.
Use a warm tea bag
Another home remedy on how to get rid of a stye is by using a warm tea bag. Black tea works the best because it helps reduce the swelling and has some antibacterial properties. To do this, add boiled water to a mug then drop your teabag as if you're making a tea to drink. Let the tea in for about 1 minute then wait until the tea bag cools enough to place over your eye. Keep it on your eye for 5 to 10 minutes. Use a new tea bag for each eye.
Take OTC pain medication
For pain, you can take an over-the-counter (OTC) pain medicine like ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) to get relief. Follow the instructions on the package. If the stye is causing you severe pain, visit your doctor.
Don't wear makeup and contact lenses
Makeup can irritate the eye even more, hence, delay the healing process. If you wear contact lenses regularly, stick with glasses until your stye heals. Bacteria from the stye can get into your contacts, spreading the infection.
Massage the area to promote drainage
You can massage the area gently with clean hands in combination with the lid wipes to promote drainage. Once the stye drains, keep the site clean, and avoid touching your eyes. Stop if massaging hurts.
Get treatment from your doctor
If everything comes to the worst, the most effective way on how to get rid of a stye is by consulting your doctor. They can give you ointments for infections, shots for inflammation, and they can drain it if it's affecting your vision.