Boy born without brain miraculously grows 80 percent of it six years after doctors place a shunt in his head. He suffered from spina bifida and hydrocephalus, which caused his head to be filled with fluid and expanded.
Doctors Advised Stopping the Pregnancy
Doctors told Shelly and Rob Wall the devastating news of their unborn baby at 20 weeks pregnant. They fear that the baby would not survive when it is born because he had no brain. They advised the couple to terminate the pregnancy due to its high mortality rate.
When Noah was born, doctors put a shunt in the boy's head to help him drain the fluid inside. The boy only had two percent of his brain during his first post-birth scan. An Imperial College London neuroscience researcher, Dr. Gregory Scott, said that the boy could do everyday things because his brain stem was intact.

Parents Did Not Give Up
According to "New York Post," Noah appeared on "Good Morning Britain" with his parents to show their miracle story. Noah's father told host Richard Madley that his son is as bright as a button even though his brain had been so squashed up.
He explained that since they were older parents, they were more resistant to the doctors' advice to stop the pregnancy before. He believes that younger people would have felt pressured into taking the doctor's advice.
Since they were positive people and had control over their minds, they gave Noah "the chance of life." After Noah was born at 11 on November 11, doctors placed a "Do Not Resuscitate" notice on their son. Thankfully, they waited with "bated breath," and their choice had paid off big time.
Surprising Brain Scan
Noah had a second brain scan at the age of three, which had surprised his doctors. They saw that the child had brain growth. Dr. Scott believes that the shunt could have helped the child's brain grow because it allowed more room.
Now, six years after being born, Noah enjoys growing like any other kid. His family homeschools him and gives him a lot of emotional support. They give him physical and mental input. They give him "brain training" like math and reading exercises to help stimulate his brain.
They notice the child's constant improvement. Apart from holding conversations, Noah is also starting to read and is great on the iPad.
Although he did not have a brain scan since he was three, his family would be interested in seeing how much he has had brain growth. While they might have challenges along the way, his mom said that Noah had been the joy of their family.
Every night, she would thank her son for a lovely day before her child goes to bed. Then, Noah would answer her, saying that he loves her and would wish her a good night.