Nowadays, having a baby at 50 is becoming more common. That is because of many technologies making it possible for women in their 50s to conceive.
If you are having a baby at 50, you probably have many questions. We all know that the chances of a woman getting pregnant decreases as she gets older. Although your doctor should be the one answering such, here is still some information for you to get started.
Benefits of having a baby at 50
While most people have children during their 20s and 30s, many feel that there are some perks and benefits to waiting. At the 50s for a mom and newborn baby, there are perks and benefits. It includes having the mental and financial stability to raise a child, making it easier to care for them. Not to mention that you will have more life experiences that can help in giving future advice to your kid. For women who already have children, you will love the joys of parenthood all over again and will likely experience it with less stress than your first time.
Risks for mom and newborn baby
Having a baby at 50 can be more comfortable in some aspects, but it can also be harder to have. Having a baby later in life can be considered high risk because of preeclampsia or the type of high blood pressure that develops during pregnancy that can be life-threatening. This condition may also cause diabetes, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, and a higher risk of having a cesarean delivery. Also, later in life, newborn babies are at a higher risk of learning disabilities, congenital disabilities, low birth weight, and a genetic disorder.
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Lifestyle changes for mom and newborn baby
Having a baby at 50 also means having lifestyle changes. For some, other typical milestones may be less traditional for you as an upcoming event or travelling. And while some women welcome their 50s as their opportunity to finally have their "me time", having a child at this time can change this.
Reasons for complications for mom and newborn baby
The complications brought about by having a baby at 50 are mainly because a woman's natural reproductive life ends by this point. So, if a woman is in this stage of life but still got pregnant, it will be a high-risk pregnancy. Although she may get pregnant and there may be eggs left, chances are they will not be fertile enough to carry the pregnancy to term.
If you really want and you are decided to have a baby in your 50s, and you are not menopause yet, you sure have choices. Before trying, you need to talk and consult your doctor about your health, to know if some risks and factors could stand in the way of your pregnancy. So, it is best to know everything that there is to know before you make a decision. Also, you must be ready both physically and mentally for the journey ahead because, at this age, it will be hard.