Best Indoor Plants for Clean Air [Tips to Keep Them Green]

Are you looking for the best indoor plants for clean air? Look no further! This article gives you plants that not only purify the air that you breathe but also beautify your home. There are many household products and furniture that contain airborne toxins, dust, and germs. A study done in 2019 found that many house plants work together to filter the air at home. Read on to find out the best indoor plants that purify the air.

Barberton daisy

Barberton daisy cleanses benzene, benzaldehyde, and trichloroethylene that are produced by paints and synthetic fibers. You could choose from colors red, orange, yellow, or pink color of the plant. Make sure to place your pot in a room with plenty of natural light and make sure to keep its soil moist but well-drained.

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Snake plant or mother-in-law's tongue

Get a good night's sleep by placing a snake plant in your bedroom. It clears xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, and trichloroethylene. Avoid rotting your plant from overwatering.

best indoor plants for clean air, tips to keep them green
Unsplash/Kara Eads

English ivy

Effectively reduce fecal particles in the air with English ivy. Water your plant generously and expose it to four hours of sunlight every day.

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Spider plant

Pet lovers would love a spider plant as it is not toxic to your fur babies. The plant removes xylene and carbon monoxide. Grow tiny spider plants to protect your whole family around the house.

Chinese evergreen

Detergents and cosmetics produce formaldehyde and benzene. Chinese evergreen cleanses these two toxins, but make sure to mist them occasionally to prevent them from drying out. They best thrive in humid and low-lit conditions so you could place them in your bathroom.


The sunlight loving chrysanthemum removes ammonia and benzene. You could have the plant in the living room or kitchen to filter out toxins from detergents, plastics, and glue.

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Aloe vera

Apart from soothing burns, aloe vera also helps purify formaldehyde and benzene found in the air. Varnish, detergents, and floor finish usually release these toxins. Aloe vera would live in a sunny area, so you could place them on the windowsill.

best indoor plants for clean air, tips to keep them green

Boston fern

When placed in a cool location, Boston ferns clean the air that you breathe. They thrive well in indirect light and humid places. It is best to soak its soil once a month.

Broad lady palm

A wide range of cleaning products produce ammonia, and broad lady palm is the plant to fight it off. Shop smaller plants because a fully-grown one is quite pricey. Place them in the bathroom as they love humid places.

Weeping fig

Weeping fig is one of the famous houseplants even during Victorian times. It fights off xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde. Place them in bright, indirect light that is away from drafts.

Red-edged dracaena or dragon tree

This spiky, slow-growing plant targets trichloroethylene and xylene. Other than that, its bright red trim gives color to your home. Make sure to place the plant in a room with high ceilings because it could grow up to eight feet tall. Also, the room should have decent sunlight for the plant to thrive.

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