Smartphones, tablets, television, and videogames. These are just some of the devices entrancing kids today and setting them up for a sedentary lifestyle. Most of us are aware that children need exercise for their physical and mental development but getting them outdoors can be difficult.
But don't fret! There is a range of gifts that can help promote active play and get your kids excited to go out and get some fresh air.
Outdoor Play Equipment
Outdoor play equipment is also a great choice in encouraging kids to get outside. It has come a long way from play equipment of the past, especially when it comes to safety. Despite their price, kids outdoor playsets should not be overlooked as the ideal gift to entice children to play.
Modern outdoor play equipment is built to last, so you can expect many years of fun for your kids. They are also very versatile, with different play and swing sets offering different configurations, from swing types, and climbing frames.
If you lack the necessary yard space for your own play equipment, check to see if a park nearby to you has its own playground. Just remember to make certain your child washes their hands after play so no germs will be shared.
Bikes and Scooters
One of the most popular toys for children and a staple for generations is the kid's bike. And there is a good reason why - it provides enjoyment while doubling as a fantastic mode of transportation. This allows for trips around the neighbourhood, down to the shops and even school if it's close enough.
Not only are bikes great exercise tools they can also be fantastic in a social sense. I'm sure many of us have fond memories of riding together and exploring new areas with friends or trying tricks together at the local skate park.
If you have younger kids aren't ready to ride a bike, a scooter can be the perfect alternative. With no pedals to worry about, younger ones can keep up with older friends and siblings as they scoot alongside their bike riding companions.
Water Guns and Toys
If summer is approaching, why not get kids outdoor with water guns and similar toys to cool down. Water fights are a tradition on hot, sunny days, allowing kids to have fun while enjoying some friendly competition.
There is a range of water guns that are on the market but don't forget that your hose and sprinklers can also be used to keep things frantic. Water balloons are also a wonderful addition to any fight, and keep kids preoccupied as they fill them up.
Basketball Stands
A portable basketball stand allows you to bring the fun of shooting hoops straight to your very backyard. Basketball is not only good for working up a sweat, but it also helps children to develop their hand-eye coordination.
There are many games that can be played with a basketball and a hoop. This includes classics like H-O-R-S-E, but don't underestimate their imagination in making up their very own games. Learning how to do tricks is also a good past time, such as bouncing the ball between your legs.