We're already two decades into the 21st century and true gender equality still seems to be a distant goal. Sadly, this statement is true both for developing nations and developed societies like the United States. While we have made some progress in the past few decades, the statistics from UN Women and other similar groups continue to depict a depressing picture.
More than 2 million women still do not have the same amount of employment options as their male counterparts. It seems that if things do not change drastically, the world will have to wait almost a century to see the pay gap close globally. The only way we can increase awareness about gender equality is by making people comprehend its importance. Read on to find out why gender equality is so crucial.
It Provides Everyone with Equal Opportunities
When all genders get equal education, they are more likely to compete for the same jobs. The United States has several protections in place for gender equality in education. The Department of Education recently announced new Title IX changes for 2020, which in addition to providing for equal education access also updated guidelines about school responsibility for sexual assault investigations. Part of gender equality is making sure that victims of sexual assault are able to hold their abusers accountable.
It Allows Children to Have a Better Life
One of the key components of gender equality is reproductive rights. When a woman makes her own reproductive decision, her life changes for the better. When a woman knows what she is doing and that her life situation is stable, she can look after any children more efficiently. When women get paid as heavily as men, they can provide their kids with better food, healthcare, and learning opportunities.
It Benefits the Marginalized
Gender discrimination has direct links to racial discrimination. Women coming from marginalized ethnic groups are often discriminated against due to their race. This form of discrimination is observed in workplaces. For example, Caucasian and Asian women residing in the United States earn more than the native, black, and Hispanic women doing the same job. What's more, white women also have greater chances of getting better jobs and gaining access to better healthcare.
It Benefits Even the Men
You are wrong if you think that gender equality benefits only women. Men can also enjoy certain benefits of gender equality. Let's explain with a few examples.
Effeminate men often face criticisms like "real men don't behave like that" or "that's not the way a real man talks". Such comments are signs of gender inequality. Such comments can only result in toxic masculinity, which can only have harmful and destructive consequences. Gender equality will allow men to talk, walk, and behave exactly in the way they feel comfortable.
Men are often discouraged to choose professions that we normally associate with women. For example, most of us react weirdly when we learn about a man teaching at a kindergarten. The fact is that a man has every right to choose this profession if he loves to spend time with infants and kids.
Final Words
You cannot expect to change society and its norms overnight. However, what you can do is practice gender equality in your home, neighborhood, and every community you are a part of. These small changes will soon make the world a place where no one will judge people based on their gender, race, color, and more.