Mom Ventures into a Business While Taking the Journey to Motherhood

A mom ventured into a business while taking the journey to motherhood. The 29-year-old mom entrepreneur, Michelle Chu, decided to put up her own business after having a child. Her business was still related to motherhood — diaper bags!

The business idea

According to The Sun Daily, Chu had a science background. However, after giving birth, she found it difficult to look for a job. That is why she decided to take a leap of faith and do something that she has never done before.

Michelle decided to become a mom entrepreneur. She launched her line of diaper bags.

She said, "So, I started designing my own diaper bags while I was pregnant. I decided that this can be done, but no one had done it before."

After giving birth in 2017, she made the boldest move in her life and started seeing manufacturers of diaper bags in China.

Taking the giant leap of faith

When the mom entrepreneur went to China, she found it extremely challenging. One of the most difficult things that she had to do was communicate with the manufacturers. She shared, "Finding manufacturers was quite tough; there was the language barrier, the distance, and finding the right materials. I went through about seven or eight manufacturers before I found the right one. It took quite a bit of time."

The diaper bags

When Michelle was looking for a diaper bag, she realized that the designs were screaming "mommy styles." She described these as "overly colorful and have a lot of patterns."

Mom Ventures into a Business While Taking the Journey to Motherhood
Mom Ventures into a Business While Taking the Journey to Motherhood Maria Lindsey Multimedia Creator from Pexels

That is one of the things that Michelle considered when she was creating her line of diaper bags. Aside from the designs, she also ensured that the function and purpose of a diaper bag are greatly emphasized in their brand. She said, "We kept it simple to make a mother's life easier. Everything is reachable because of the wide opening."

The challenges in creating the brand

The mom entrepreneur shared that she had no business partner when she ventured into this business. That made things quite challenging for her.

Aside from the communication barrier that she had to overcome when visiting China to look for manufacturers, Michelle also got challenged when doing product design, packaging, and even promoting her brand on social media.

The launching of the bags

Despite all the challenges, last April, Michelle launched her business. The name of her brand is JaeKo.

"Jae" came from the name of her firstborn, Jamie. "Ko," on the other hand, means baby or child in Japanese. According to Michelle, she chose this name because it is her daughter who introduced her to motherhoold and made her decide to take the elap of faith.

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