Navy Seal Dad Shares Top Parenting Tips

Parent Herald - Navy Seal Dad Shares Top Parenting Tips
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When it comes to parenting, every mom and dad can learn a few things from parenting tips. What to do when a child misbehaves? How to get our children to obey us? These are just some questions new parents would like to ask more experienced parents.

Brandon Webb recently revealed the top parenting tips that he used with his three children. He previously served in the U.S. Navy SEALs in Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. Read on to find out the parenting style he swears by.

Put Your Kids' Needs Above Your Own

Webb reveals this tip as he now co-parents with the mother of his children. He revealed that it can be tough to go through a divorce as a family and transition to co-parenting.

The former Navy SEALs Sniper revealed that he used to be the little league coach dad. He recounts how, before the divorce, he chose to leave the Navy SEALs early so he could spend more time with his children.

The dad-of-three revealed how it can be tough to set your differences aside after your marriage crumbles. But he said he and his children's mom eventually learned to put their issues aside and focus on allowing their kids to thrive.

Let Them Get Dirty

The 46-year-old also shared how it is important to allow your children to experience things.

For instance, muddy puddles are okay to jump in, according to the Navy SEAL's book. These are moments and experiences that children value, so he nudges parents to encourage their children. "The joy and laughter is worth the dirty clothes," he revealed.

The Canadian-born dad added that one of the reasons why he values precious moments is because of the Navy. He experienced losing friends to the war before the age of 30. Thus, he encourages to live the little moments in life.

Love Means Letting Your Kids Have Their Own Dreams

The ex-Navy SEAL believes that love is spelled T-I-M-E. He revealed how, growing up, his children knew love is spending time with them and not fancy tops and vacations. "Hold your kids close and love them," he advises parents. Hugs are what kids will remember for a lifetime, Wow Parenting revealed.

The father of now-grown children unveiled the importance of letting your children pursue their own dreams and not the parents' dreams. He goes on to say that raising happy and independent kids is the best a parent can hope for.

Do Not Let Kids Get Out of Control

Discipline is an important value the former Navy passed on to his children. As a father of two sons and one daughter, Webb reveals the importance of setting boundaries for kids. He even stressed out that children count on their parents to set these boundaries.

It is up to the parent on how hardcore or liberal their parenting style is. But, Webb stressed that there has to be consequences for bad behavior, he writes on Sofrep.

The Navy dad compared training kids to the training of a young pup. Correcting bad behavior and rewarding good ones are keys to a well-behaved adult dog.

Push-ups, the Navy dad said, are what his children had for punishment. It was embarrassing for the kids when they had to do it in public, but the dad revealed it is how he was able to dine out at a nice restaurant with his kids.

Another effective consequence is taking away privileges like sleepovers. The important thing is to hold your ground, the Navy dad advised.

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