Father and Daughter Lawyers Are Each Other's Kidney Donor and Recipient

Father and Daughter Lawyers Are Each Other's Kidney Donor and Recipient
Father and Daughter Lawyers Are Each Other's Kidney Donor and Recipient Pexels

A father and daughter, who are both lawyers, are each other's kidney donor and recipient.

The father, Robert Mnookin, needed a new kidney due to his end-stage kidney disease. His daughter, Jennifer Mnookin, decided to be the donor to her father.

The kidney transplant went successful.

The father and daughter are both lawyers

Robert and Jennifer are both lawyers and are also legal scholars.

Robert is a longtime Harvard Law School professor. On the other hand, his daughter is not just a lawyer like him. Jeniffer is also a legal scholar. Jennifer is the dean of the University of California at the Los Angeles School of Law.

The father and daughter's story was shared in the blog TaxProf Blog.

The kidney transplant

It was Robert who asked for the help of her daughter. However, the two are in separate states. Jennifer was in California and Robert was in Boston teaching in Harvard. That is why on December 2, Jennifer had one of her kidneys removed in California. Also, because her dad was in Boston, the kidney had to go through an overnight flight.

The kidney transplant took place on December 3, and the results were good.

The dad is grateful

Because of the kidney transplant, Robert needs to take at least 40 pills a day. However, the father says he feels better after the operation. Robert even mentioned to the ABA Journal that the operation went better than he thought it would be.

Also, the legal scholar is very thankful for his daughter's generosity. He said, "Thanks to my daughter's love and generosity, I have a dynamite new kidney. In fact, there's been this remarkable improvement in my kidney function since the surgery."

The condition of the legal scholars

According to the TaxProf Blog, Robert and Jennifer are both doing good. Post-operations and the father and daughter are doing great.

In the same post, a photo of Robert wearing a shirt with the print, "Straight Outta Surgery," was included. The dad was smiling, and even giving a thumbs up to the camera.

Robert has two children, one of them is Jennifer.

Transplant cases in the U.S.

As of December 16, more than 91,000 people are on the waiting list for kidney transplants. From January until November this year, a total of 35,000 transplants have been performed in the country. These transplants include other organs like hearts, lungs, liver, and pancreas.

Child-to-parent kidney donation

According to a study using data from the United Network for Organ Sharing, transplants are significantly greater and patient survival when the donation is a child-to-parent.

The data used in this study is from 56,873 kidney transplants from 1988 to 1998.

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