Survey reveals parents' food security during COVID. Survey shows that parents are going hungry for their children.
A new poll of 2000 Americans ordered by Two Good Yogurt in October suggests that 2020 has been a crucial time of serious and unmatched food security for a growing number of people.
Details of the survey
Based on the data from the OnePoll survey, four out of every 10 respondents said that during COVID is the first time that they have felt some level of food security.
A striking 79% of those people said that they had a hard time finding support in such crucial times, further showing a gap between the amount of relief that people need as well as what has been made available to them.
Also, 6 in 10 of those people said that the expiration of local programs has made it even harder for them to put food on the table.
Certain points of the problem with food security are indeed painful to think about. Almost half of those people that were surveyed can recall times where they did not have the money to buy food at this time during COVID. 35% of them said that they know what it is like to have no idea what their next meal will be and where it will be coming from.
Also, 37% of them even reported that they skip meals in order for them to make sure that their kids had something to eat.
The other side of the survey
Aside from these, the data also reveals that it is not that obvious when someone is really having a hard time with hunger. It showed that a full 63% of those people who had felt food security during COVID said that they did not realize they were experiencing it at the time.
The time where they are in makes it harder to get or accept help from other people.
Although such a survey about food security during COVID is far from being a thorough scientific snapshot, Two Good hopes that it will serve as a new light on such underestimated issues.
Food security in the country
Two Good said that they supported the survey to talk about the growing issue of food security within the country. And because of their survey, they found out that for nearly 40% of those people who participated, it is said that during COVID was the time and one of the reasons for their first experience with the said issue.
For the 63%, the majority of those people in the survey said that they did not realize they were food insecure, showing a clear mismatch in their knowledge of what food security really is in the first place.
On the other hand, the good news with this survey, aside from shedding light on the said issue, is the fact that 7 out of 10 of those people said that they are now more aware of the said issue and its struggles.
Not only that but also 6 out of 10 of them said that they were inspired to give back to their local community, with the same number of people showing a desire to volunteer for an organization whose goal is to take on food security.