Instagram Mom's Viral Kidnapping Story Sparks Police Investigation

Social media influencer Katie Sorensen went viral early this week. Her Instagram stories were meant to share awareness on child abduction.

Sorensen alleged a couple attempted to kidnap her 1-year-old and 4-year-old. According to the IG influencer, the couple exhibited strange behavior and interest toward her children. Next, the couple allegedly followed her to the parking lot and tried to get hold of her stroller.

At that point, the mother-of-two yelled for help. So, the couple backed out. Later, she reported the incident to the police but said she would not press charges, Romper reported.

Instagram Mom Says She was Paralyzed with Fear

According to Sorensen, she did not reprimand the couple about their behavior. Though she felt uncomfortable, she claimed she felt paralyzed with fear.

Known on social media as @motherhoodessentials, Sorensen received backlash on social media for her reaction. Some parents said she should have called the police and alerted the store employees.

"I get that you got scared, but when your kids are in danger, you do not silently walk into harm's way," cried out a parent. Another said, "At the very least, she could have gotten someone to escort her to the car."

Abductors Found, Cried Out Racism

One day, the child of the couple who allegedly attempted to abduct Sorensen's children found out the police were looking for his parents. Sadie and Eddie Martinez were also home to Petaluma, California, the same as Sorensen.

The Martinezes said they went to the store to pick out nativity and Christmas decorations. The Latino couple claims the allegations were racially motivated. "It is like we should feel guilty for being brown while shopping," Sadie cries out.

The Petaluma police investigated the matter, including the two Instagram videos. Police found no evidence of wrongdoing. Police Chief Ken Savano revealed that they are seeking prosecution to the fullest extent allowed under law, Petaluma360 reported.

Sorensen could face charges of a racially-motivated hate crime or false report of a crime. The police previously found inconsistencies between Sorensen's stories and the story she told the police. "Evidence supports the account provided by the Martinez couple," police revealed.

The Instagram posts have since been made private. Sorensen explained it was done to keep the integrity of the investigation. Twitter and YouTube clips of the IG videos remain afloat online.

Martinez said she now feels uncomfortable going back to the store. Their picture has been posted on the internet and they now fear they have become an unlikely target. With that, Martinez said she is considering Sorensen's prosecution.

Abductions, a Rare Case

Non-family abductions or the case of strangers making an effort to abduct a child is rather rare. FBI reported that only 0.1 percent of missing children cases were circumstances of abduction.

Apparently, over 95 percent of missing children cases were that of runaways. Others simply got lost or misunderstood directions. Poly Klass Foundation revealed that there is a stronger likelihood for a family member or someone the family knows will kidnap the child, rather than a stranger.

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